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The first line of the following passage has been worn pretty smooth, but the succeeding ones are less familiar:

I had to walk carefully in case he might get on to it that he was being followed. I turned a curve and I was just in time to see him ring the bell and get admitted to the house. I just stopped where I was. It was beginning to rain, and I was soon pretty near soaked through. Also, it was almighty cold.

It didn't check 'em much, for they're awful cruel, so I went fairly down by the head. I had a pretty fair guess that this would bring the lash about my shoulders, an' I was right, but I got up wery slowly an' broken-down-like, so that the baboons was fairly humbugged, and stopped loadin' of me long afore I'd taken in a full cargo so, you see, boys, I've bin sailin' raither light than otherwise."

I will, however, one of these days, ride over the property with you, which, as well as Miss Percival, I have not as yet seen. "'Then I can tell you, she is a very pretty property. "'If she were not in a ring-fence. "'In good heart, William. That is, I mean an excellent disposition. "'Valuable in matrimony.

She tossed her head in an exquisitely pretty way which upset Eugene's reasoning faculties. He could not think and look at her. "Suzanne," he said, drawing her to him. "You are exquisite, extreme, the last word in womanhood for me. To think of your reasoning so you, Suzanne." "Why, why," she asked, with pretty parted lips and uplifted eyebrows, "why shouldn't I think?"

When we arrived, chilled by the railway journey, an acquaintance of the friend who accompanied me ordered rum and water for us, and we laughed and jested with the landlord's pretty daughters, who brought it to us. As it had been snowing heavily and the sleighing was excellent, we determined to return directly after dinner, and drive as far as Munden.

So off they went, Gerald apparently in a resigned state of mind, and came upon dogs and girls in an old quarry, where Mysie had dragged them to look for pretty stones and young ferns to make little rockeries for the sale of work.

"Put five shillings in the box for swearing, Mr B . You fine other people," said the major. "Here is my other confederate, Lord Windermear." "Carbonnell," said Lord Windermear, "what is all this?" "Nothing, my lord, except that our friend Newland is taken up for shoplifting, because he thought proper to run after a pretty woman's carriage; and I am accused by his worship of being his confederate.

'I quite envy the girls being married nowadays, because they get such pretty things. 'They are very pretty, said Hester. 'And must have cost, I'm afraid to say how much money. 'I suppose it means to say that he will love me, and therefore I am so glad to have them! But the squire, though he did mean to say that he would love her, did not come to the wedding.

They were the unparalyzed Ministers of the occasion, but helpless. And now came war, the purifier and the pestilence. The cry of the English people for war was pretty general, as far as the criers went.