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In reply, I begged him to explain that the bond was not for the payment of money, and that, even if it should become forfeited, the twenty thousand acres of Presque Isle lands were alone a sufficient security. Witbeck, however, continued to be uneasy for his credit, and teased me to take up his bond by giving other security. I thought this rather unkind, and did not trouble myself about it.

M. Cachalot had not read either Grampus or Merman, but he heard of their dispute in time to insert a paragraph upon it in his brilliant work, L'orient au point de vue actuel, in which he was dispassionate enough to speak of Grampus as possessing a coup d'oeil presque français in matters of historical interpretation, and of Merman as nevertheless an objector qui mérite d'être connu.

«Toute l'étendue du terrain granitique que j'ai traversée, se trouve presque couverte de ces masses; les uns sur les sommets des montagnes les plus élevées, les autres sur la pente et dans les vallées. Plusieurs de ces masses sont arrangées les uns sur les autres avec un art inimitable, les autres sont isolées et éparses.

It is as follows: "Les juges federaux tranchent presque toujours seuls les questions qui touchent de plus pres au gouvernement du pays."

I immediately agreed to accompany the war-party, telling them that, having once adopted the Indian costume, I had thereby cut myself off from all companionship with the whites. I promised to teach them the art of war as practised by the redcoats, and show them how to capture Presque Isle without the loss of a man. "Oh you did, did you?" growled Christie.

«J'ai parcouru fort souvent le pied de ces montagnes: leur état est presque partout tel que je viens d'avoir l'honneur de la descrire

The Nain Rouge it was who claimed half of the old mill, on Presque Isle, that the sick and irritable Josette swore that she would leave to the devil when her brother Jean pestered her to make her will in his favor, giving him complete ownership.

La conversation roula presque entierement sur l'histoire.

The only criticism that appeared in the papers was: "Madame Philips, une Americaine, a fait son apparence dans 'Trovatore. Elle joue assez bien, et si sa voix avait l'importance de ses jambes elle aurait eu sans doute du succes, car elle peut presque chanter." Poor Miss Philips! I felt so sorry for her. I thought of when I had seen her in America, where she had such success in the same roles.

Being informed by his scouts that twelve hundred regular troops, drawn from Detroit, Venango, and Presque Isle, and led by D'Aubry, with a number of Indian auxiliaries, were hastening to the rescue, he detached a force of grenadiers and light infantry, with some of his Mohawk warriors, to intercept them.