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Bascomb, halting at the beginning of the narrow wall. "I -I'll wait here, Mr. Renshaw, will you keep me company?" "If you so direct, sir," replied the superintendent. "For that matter, what Reade and Hazelton can't find out, out yonder, will probably never be discovered." "Do you share Mr. Prenter's infatuation for those two young men?" asked the president of the Melliston Company.

If Prenter came out against me, and persuaded the other directors that I was a bad asset for the company, they'd act on Prenter's suggestion and remove me from the presidency." "Humph!" jeered Evarts. "Then what would your directors do if they knew that ." "Stop!" begged Mr. Bascomb hoarsely, "Don't say a word further, man! Sometimes even the leaves on the trees have ears.

That, with the accidental discharge of a moment go, will show any listener that there's trouble going on over here. I miss my guess if the shots don't bring help very shortly." Bang! Bang! Nor was Reade's guess a wrong one. Not much time passed before steps were heard hurrying in their direction. "Here! This way!" summoned Tom. "Are you hurt?" sounded Mr. Prenter's voice.