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Ce n'est qu'une precaution que j'ai cru devoir prendre.... Allez!

As a pendant, take the description of one of the last French novels: "A Paris tout s'oublie, tout se pardonne. Par convenance, par decence, quelquefois par crainte, on s'absente, ou fait un entr'acte: puis le rideau se releve pour le spectacle de nouvelles fautes et de nouvelles folies; toute la question est de savoir s'y prendre."

Gifts were especially held in scorn and contempt by him. He was wont to say, that between prendre and pendre there was but one letter's difference; and in a court so full of corrupt and grasping clergy, this gave him untold power.

Deux jours après, mondit seigneur d'Autriche m'envoya dire qu'il vouloit me parler; et ce fut encore messire Albrech qui vint me prendre pour lui faire la révérence. Je me présentai

You have a Danish army now in your neighborhood, and they say a very fine one; I presume you will go to see it, and, if you do, I would advise you to go when the Danish Monarch comes to review it himself; 'pour prendre langue de ce Seigneur'. The rulers of the earth are all worth knowing; they suggest moral reflections: and the respect that one naturally has for God's vicegerents here on earth, is greatly increased by acquaintance with them.

You have a Danish army now in your neighborhood, and they say a very fine one; I presume you will go to see it, and, if you do, I would advise you to go when the Danish Monarch comes to review it himself; 'pour prendre langue de ce Seigneur'. The rulers of the earth are all worth knowing; they suggest moral reflections: and the respect that one naturally has for God's vicegerents here on earth, is greatly increased by acquaintance with them.

"Elle n'a que deux ans, et fait joliment le signe de la croix, et prend elle-meme de l'eau benite; et une fois se mit a crier, sortant de la Chapelle, a cause que sa mere qui la portoit ne lui avoit donne le loisir d'en prendre. Il l'a fallu reporter en prendre."

On le mena prendre place auprès des bachas; on introduisit ses gens, et l'on fit venir l'ambassadeur du duc de Milan.

In that respect I could enter with a good conscience upon that holiday which was like a long visit pour prendre conge of the mainland of old Europe I was to see so little of for the next four and twenty years. Such, however, was not the avowed purpose of that tour. It was rather, I suspect, planned in order to distract and occupy my thoughts in other directions.

Je vous remercie de la peine que vous voulez bien prendre, et j'ai profite des corrections que vous avez bien voulu m'indiquer. J'avais deja profite des deux articles de la 'Revue d'Edimbourg' sur les chemins de fer russes en Asie et sur l'armee indienne. I have no wish to appear more royalist than the king himself; but I cannot feel so sure as you do about the security of India.