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'One has to treat them like children, he says on such occasions; 'their ignorance, mon cher; il faut prendre cela en consideration. When this so-called painful necessity arises, he eschews all sharp or violent gestures, and prefers not to raise his voice, but with a straight blow in the culprit's face, says calmly, 'I believe I asked you to do something, my friend? or 'What is the matter, my boy? what are you thinking about? while he sets his teeth a little, and the corners of his mouth are drawn.

Vous etes bien jeune trop jeune pour le role que vous allez jouer; il faut prendre garde savez-vous?" "Mais quel danger y a-t-il?" "Je n'en sais rien ne vous laissez pas aller a de vives impressions voila tout."

When he reached the hotel, an Englishman said to him, "Milord, il est pret; my ladi, il n'est pas pret, friselire ses chevaux, prendre patience." The late King used to relate stories of this same Boisrobert in a very whimsical manner. The life which folks lead at Paris becomes daily more scandalous; I really tremble for the city every time it thunders.

However, 'to bed, as Lady Macbeth says. Faith, I don't wonder the poor devil of a thane was slow in going to bed with such a tigress. Good-night to you." MA fortune va prendre une face nouvelle.* RACINE. Androm., Act i. sc. 1. * "My fortune is about to take a turn." THE next morning Vargrave inquired the way to Mr. Winsley's, and walked alone to the house of the brewer.

"Voulant prendre l'occasion de mon retour

«La montagne Saint-George, une des plus hautes de tout le canton du sommet de laquelle je pouvois prendre une idée topographique de tous le pays, qui domine tout ce qui entoure,

A voice said mechanically from the vicinity of my feet: "II vous faut prendre la douche" I stared stupidly. The spectre was poised before me; its averted eyes contemplated the window. "Take your bath," it added as an afterthought, in English "Come with me." It turned suddenly. It hurried to the doorway. I followed.

Chapter iii. 19. Il ne faut iamais rogner ses ongles dans le public, & bien moins les prendre

Je ne voudrais pas manquer de courtoisie; but above all I would not intrude et je suis tres dispose a me retirer de tres bonne heure. Seulement j'aimerais a etre fixe pour prendre tous mes arrangements.

The Marechal Bassompiere was not more afraid of succeeding in his warfare, when he said, "Je crois que nous serons assez fous pour prendre la Rochelle," than was one of the parties, at least, in these negotiations, of any favorable turn that might inflict success upon its overtures.