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The next day he was joined by Maurice de Prendergast, a Welsh gentleman, with ten knights and sixty archers. After landing they reconnoitred cautiously, but saw neither ally nor enemy the immediate coast seemed entirely deserted.

Finally our evacuating army had to macadamise its unmolested route down the passes by bribes to the hillmen, and the result of the second Afghan war was about as barren as that of the first. It was in the year 1886 that, the resolution having been taken to dethrone Thebau and annex Upper Burmah, Prendergast began his all but bloodless movement on Mandalay.

Enter Mary, followed by James Bootle. Mary. Mr Bootle. Jane. Good-morning, Mr Bootle! Bootle. I beg I thought Why, of course! It's Miss er-h'm, yes How do you do? Did you get back safely last night? Jane. Bootle. My letter? Yes James. By George! Tchck! Jane. You may kiss me, James. Bootle. Have you a sister? Yes, I have a younger sister, Alice. A younger sister! Then you are Miss Prendergast?

Pilgrim did not in the least mean it, so he only said, 'I shouldn't wonder if Tryan turns out too many for you, after all. He's got a well-oiled tongue of his own, and has perhaps talked over Prendergast into a determination to stand by him. 'Ve-ry little fear of that, said Dempster, in a confident tone. 'I'll soon bring him round. Tryan has got his match.

William Prendergast was, however, a member of the community. His name heads an account in the ledgers of the Merritt store, in 1771 and 1772, and his purchases indicate that he was a substantial farmer whose trading center was Quaker Hill. Prendergast was an Irishman.

"Well; there is some sense in that suggestion," Prendergast grumbled, "and I suppose the first thing to be done will be to carry that out. If you wish, we will do it for you. They would be more likely to give the information, if they possess it, to a well known firm of solicitors like ourselves than to any private individual.

On the following day he did go back to Ireland, stopping a night in Dublin on the road, so that his mother might receive his letter, and that his cousin and Somers might receive those written by Mr. Prendergast. He spent one night in Dublin, and then went on, so that he might arrive at Castle Richmond after dark.

Prendergast, the rector, read prayers a high intellectual treat, as Miss Townley assured them. It seemed only natural that a rector, who was honourable, should read better than old Mr.

Prendergast justly says: "Notwithstanding these prohibitions and laws of the Irish Parliament, the Irish grew and increased upon the English, and the Celtic customs overspread the feudal, until at length the administration of the feudal law was confined to little more than the few counties lying within the line of the Liffey and the Boyne."

And my letter Ah! Enter Alice. Alice. You are wanted, Jane, a moment. Jane. Don't go! Am I to stay and congratulate you? Bootle. Alice! I didn't know your Christian name I didn't know you had a sister. The letter I addressed to Miss Prendergast I meant for Miss Alice Prendergast. Alice. James! My love! But what can we do? Nothing. As a man of honour I cannot withdraw. So two lives are ruined!