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He was too much excited to see how hopeless the situation really was, and his sense of justice was revolted at the thought of the indignity. "Donna Faustina, I implore you!" he exclaimed. "I can still prevent this outrage you must not go. I will find the cardinal and explain the mistake he will send an order at once." "You are mistaken," answered the prefect. "He will do nothing of the kind.

The prefect colored slightly, but he obeyed the desire of Caesar's wife and went on with his story, pitching his voice in a somewhat lower key than before: "Well, it was about the procession, that the first breach of the peace arose." "I have heard that once already," replied the lady, yawning. "I like processions."

He was holding Senator Burton's card, and the letter of introduction with which that card had been accompanied, in his sinewy nervous looking hand. Bowing, smiling, apologising with more earnestness than was necessary for the few moments the American Senator had had to await his presence, the Prefect motioned his guest to a chair.

This national expression, being interpreted, meant that Signor Orso proposed to murder two or three individuals suspected of having assassinated his father individuals who had, indeed, been prosecuted on that account, but had come out of the trial as white as snow, for they were hand and glove with the judges, lawyers, prefect, and gendarmes.

"I must have seen one or another of them there," muttered the prefect. "Your cabinet-workers will have a busy time, Pontius." "Nay, the hanging-makers may be glad; wherever we can we will close the door-ways with heavy curtains." "And what will you do with this damp abode of fogs, which, if I mistake not, must adjoin the dining-hall?"

Marcia, his favorite concubine, Eclectus, his chamberlain, and Lætus, his prætorian prefect, alarmed by the fate of their companions and predecessors, resolved to prevent the destruction which every hour hung over their heads, either from the mad caprice of the tyrant or the sudden indignation of the people.

His prefect evidently wants to ruin him, and we have come to see you in order to prevent the Council of State from ratifying a great injustice." "Who brings up the case?" "Massol." "Good." "And our friends Giraud and Claude Vignon are on the committee," said Bixiou.

Thence we took our way across the Morbihan to Vannes, which during the whole of my father's reign was administered by the same prefect, and that with the esteem of every party. Our journey was so hurried that we had barely time to kneel at the shrine of St.

"I had long since been baptized, and all the prisons were open to me, the rich Menander, the brother-in-law of the prefect those prisons in which under Maximin so many Christians were destined to be turned from the true faith. "But she did not belong to us. Her eye met mine, and I signed my forehead with the cross, but she did not respond to the sacred sign.

"My dear sir," exclaimed the Prefect of Police, "you declare all this with a conviction which rouses my admiration, but which is not enough to establish the fact that your fears are justified. Inspector Vérot's return will be the best proof." "Inspector Vérot will not return." "But why not?" "Because he has returned already. The messenger saw him return." "The messenger was dreaming.