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In the District Assembly he preaches this doctrine with considerable success, for there the peasantry form the majority, and he knows how to use that terse, homely language, interspersed with proverbs, which has far more influence on the rustic mind than scientific principles and logical reasoning; but here, in Provincial Assembly, his following composes only a respectable minority, and he confines himself to a policy of obstruction.

I have even heard that he refuses to receive letters from England. If you wish to see him, you must do what I have done you must go to church and look at him in the pulpit. He preaches in English I think for the last time this season on Thursday evening next. Shall I call here and take you to the church?" If I had followed my inclinations, I should have refused.

The same incongruity stumbled "the Honourable Colonel Hacker, at Peebles or elsewhere," to whom Cromwell sent these from Edinburgh on the 25th December 1650 "But indeed I was not satisfied with your last speech to me about Empson, that he was a better preacher than fighter or soldier or words to that effect. Truly, I think that he that prays and preaches best will fight best.

Great and strenuous prayers they may have been, but in marked contrast to the prayers of Jesus and his followers, because of the absence in John's message of any strong note of the love and tenderness of God. Finally, the very righteousness that John preaches with such fire and energy is open to criticism.

The minister means something else when he preaches of being humble. What bothers me now is how to manage a pair of shoes for you. Yours are so shabby." "Can't I wear my patent leather slippers?" "You've outgrown them, Suzanna. They're too short even for Maizie, you remember." "I could stand them for that one time, mother." "No," said Mrs.

Parsifal is pitilessly logical, Tannhäuser wildly illogical; Parsifal preaches the gospel of renunciation, of the will to dwarf and stunt one's physical, mental and moral growth: Tannhäuser preaches nothing at all, but is an affirmation of the necessity and moral loveliness of healthy relations between the two sexes, with a totally uncalled-for and incredible falling away or repentance at the end, on the part of one who has in no way sinned to wit, Tannhäuser; the music of Parsifal is sickly, tired, with mystical chants that make one's gorge rise in disgust; the music of Tannhäuser is strong, healthy, full of manly passion even at its saddest it is free of the nauseating whining of Parsifal.

But soon a wonder came to light, That shew'd the rogues they lied, The man recovered of the bite, The dog it was that dy'd. 'A very good boy, Bill, upon my word, and an elegy that may truly be called tragical. Come, my children, here's Bill's health, and may he one day be a bishop. 'With all my heart, cried my wife; 'and if he but preaches as well as he sings, I make no doubt of him.

"Oh, yes," said the cock, "I can do that very well." So he stood on one leg and crowed, but he winked only with one eye, and when he had done that he made himself big and flapped his wings, as though he had done a great thing. "Very pretty, to be sure," said Reynard. "Almost as pretty as when the parson preaches in church, but can you stand on one leg and wink both your eyes at once?

The saying rings entirely true even considered as what it obviously is; the statement that any man who preaches real love is bound to beget hate. It is as true of democratic fraternity as of divine love; sham love ends in compromise and common philosophy; but real love has always ended in bloodshed.

Gudge wants steady and obedient workmen, Hudge preaches teetotalism to workmen, not to Gudge Gudge wants a tame and timid population who will never take arms against tyranny; Hudge proves from Tolstoi that nobody must take arms against anything. Gudge is naturally a healthy and well-washed gentleman; Hudge earnestly preaches the perfection of Gudge's washing to people who can't practice it.