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It seems childish to think of them as scenes of my struggles, for when I come to look back I had no struggles at all. I was merely practising like a cricketer at the nets; there was nothing to struggle for except a verdict when it would not come without some effort. But dear old Codd was the man to struggle.

Strangest of all, the feeble old man confirmed all their statements, and, as some proof of the truth of what they had said, he informed the travellers that the chief and several others whom he called by name, were men incapable of practising a deception! This he professed to know from a long acquaintance with them.

He said that war was hateful, and that we all hated it; but that "in all things reasonable" the law of one's own commonwealth was the voice of God. He spoke about Joan of Arc; and how she had managed to be a bold and successful soldier while still preserving her virtue and practising her religion; then he gave them each a little paper book. which I feel sure was the best and most pointed reply.

They are perfectly trustworthy indeed, they are actively aiding and abetting us in the exceedingly disagreeable but necessary deception we are practising upon king M'Bongwele. The wretch!" she continued, starting indignantly to her feet. "Would you believe it? He actually has the audacity and impudence to to to " "To aspire to a matrimonial alliance with one, if not all, of you.

Yet I could not see any real proof of advance. Perhaps fever and sun blind me to hope, for the staff are very confident still. They even lay odds on a celebration of victory next Sunday by the united forces, and I hear that Sir George is practising the Hundredth Psalm. February 8 to February 24, 1900. I had hoped to keep well all through the siege, so as to see it all from start to finish.

Hitherto they had had no piano; they got one, and for a day or two Lucia made a languid pretence of practising.

Tastes certainly differ, for this advertisement reminds us of a venerable old lady of our acquaintance, who was kept in a chronic state of irritation by a favorite footman, whom she did not choose to discharge, through his learning the flute and persisting in practising 'Away with melancholy' the only tune he knew for an hour daily! But to return to the advertisements.

Even on her dying bed she would be compelled to listen. The practising orator with bent head mumbled as he walked. He still mumbled as he indicated a choice of foods at the cafeteria counter; he continued to be thus absorbed as he found a table near the centre of the room. He arranged his assortment of viands. "You led me on, that's what you did," he continued to the absent culprit.

Soon after these he saw two other patients, both on the same day, with the same disease. Of these five patients two died. At the same meeting, Dr. West mentioned a fact related to him by Dr. Samuel Jackson of Northumberland. Seven females, delivered by Dr. Jackson in rapid succession, while practising in Northumberland County, were all attacked with puerperal fever, and five of them died.

The criminal is minced his sons lashed his nephews reduced to cutlets his cousins to joints and so on none of the family quite escapes; and seeing the bitter reprisals provoked by this kind of uncharity, fiercer and more enduring by much than any begotten of more tangible wrongs, Christian people who pray, 'lead us not into temptation, and repeat 'blessed are the peace-makers, will, on the whole, do wisely to forbear practising it.