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The bark becomes softened and falls from the wood. The wood also becomes more or less softened; it is preyed upon then by insect life; its density decreases more and more, until finally it crumbles into a soft, brownish, powdery mass, and eventually the whole sinks into the soil, is overgrown by mosses and other vegetation, and the tree trunk has disappeared from view.

"Threw him over!" repeat I, slowly, as if unable yet to grasp the sense of the phrase. "We shall certainly be late; the last bell is beginning," says Frank, impatiently. I move slowly on. We have reached the turnstile that gives issue from the park to the road. The smart farmers' wives, the rosy farmers' daughters, are pacing along through the powdery dust toward the church-gate.

The dust was floating high, from the many feet; and as the street became a road out of the town, the dust was thicker than ever, from parties on before. It lay brown and powdery, ankle-deep and hot to the boots. The sun blazed down fiercely.

With faces blistered by the sun and caked with alkali, blue shirts faded to a purple tinge, and trousers and accouterments covered with a gray, powdery dust, the soldiers rode on silently and determinedly. Hour after hour the troop flung itself across the plains and into the heart of the Lava Beds, each day cutting down the Apache lead. The Atonement False dawn in the Lava Beds of Arizona.

The immense train clattered and jolted to a stop. A roar of wind, a cloud of powdery dust, a discordant and unceasing din of voices, came through the open windows of the car. The heterogeneous mass of humanity with which Neale had traveled jostled out, struggling with packs and bags. Neale, carrying his bag, stepped off into half a foot of dust.

That is the old chest of drawers; you never hear it crack in the daytime. Creak! There's a door ajar; you know you shut them all. Where can that latch be that rattles so? When it stops, you hear the worms boring in the powdery beams overhead. Then steps outside, a stray animal, no doubt.

This summer she had come to England. She was no longer afraid of damp and cold. And Bartie followed her. Dorothy and Michael had no difficulty in remembering Vera, though it was more than six years since they had seen her; for Vera looked the same. Her hair still shone like copper-beech leaves; her face had still the same colour and the same sweet, powdery smell.

The fine powdery snow was driven past us in the clouds, penetrating the interstices of our clothes, and the pieces of ice which flew from the blows of Peter's ax were whisked into the air, and then dashed over the precipice.

It must have been day for many hours, but all around was a breathless calm, and the dense black cloud grew thicker, and they could feel that the deck of the cutter was thick with a soft powdery ash.

I have loved to touch you, always. I have loved your cool, sweet, powdery skin, and your lips, I have always thought of your lips as a crimson bow in a pale pink cloud, I I have loved to touch you. I have always adored your face, the look of it as well as the feel of it. I have loved to kiss you." Carol slipped an arm beneath his head and strove to pull his hand away from his face.