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"Pourquoi, pourquoi!" choked Mademoiselle. Her suffused little face came up for a moment towards Solomon. She met Miriam's gaze as if she did not see her. "Vous me demandez pourquoi je ne veux pas partager ma chambre avec une femine mariee?" Her head sank again and her little grey form jerked sharply as she sobbed. "Probably a widder, Mademoiselle," ventured Bertha Martin, "oon voove."

She had a sensible face, now that I observed her naturally, as it were; and her hands, how I have agonized over those hands on the stage! all knuckles and exaggerated veins, clutching her dress as she sang, or, petrified, outstretched to Leonore's "Pourquoi ces larmes?" her hands were the hands of an honest, hard-working woman who buckrams her own skirts, and at need could scrub her own floor.

"Mademoiselle," said the riding-master, as she paused before them, "pourquoi, wherefore have you stopped in your canter tantôt a little while ago et puis recommencé?" "Monsieur, he led with the wrong foot." "C'est ça justement!" he exclaimed. "Have you practiced leaping, Ellen?" "Yes, Sir." "Try her, M. De Courcy. How high will you go, Ellen?"

I saw his moniteur, who knew no English, grin in a relieved kind of way when the American crawled out from under the wreckage. The reception committee whispered to me, "This is Pourquoi, the best bawler-out we've got. 'Pourquoi? is always his first broadside. Then he wades in and you can hear him from one end of the field to the other. Attendez! this is going to be rich!"

Pendennis; Mr. Pendennis opposite to him, with Ethel and Madame de Moncontour on each side. The four children were placed between these personages, on whom Madame de Florac looked with her tender glances, and to whose little wants the kindest of hosts ministered with uncommon good-nature and affection. He was very soft-hearted about children. "Pourquoi n'en avons-nous pas, Jeanne?

Lord Byron at Coppet had been going on abusing the stupidity of the good people of Geneva: Rocca at last turned short upon him "Eh! milord, pourquoi donc venez-vous vous fourrer parmi ces honnetes gens?" Madame de Stael I jumble anecdotes together as I recollect them Madame de Stael had a great wish to see Mr.

Ferrall's pretty face impressed between both her hands, and looking her mischievously in the eyes, she whispered: "'Comme vous, maman, faut-il faire? Eh! mes petits-enfants, pourquoi, Quand j'ai fait comme ma grand' mère, Ne feriez-vous pas comme moi?" "O Lord!" said Mrs. Ferrall, "I'll never meddle again and the entire world may marry and take the consequences!"

A Positivist poet or if that be a contradiction in terms, let us say a Positivist who wrote verses once composed an appeal to the fair sex, beginning with the words: "Pourquoi, O femmes, restez-vous en arriere?" The question might have been addressed to the women in these Finnish villages.

The young man, thus appealed to, nerved himself to the task. He eyed the melancholy Jules doubtfully, and coughed in a strangled sort of way. "Oh, esker... esker vous..." "Don't weaken," said Sally. "I think you've got him going." "Esker vous... Pourquoi vous ne... I mean ne vous... that is to say, quel est le raison..." He broke off here, because at this point Jules began to explain.

"Aurore, you do not love me!" "Ah, Monsieur! pourquoi cette cruaute? Je t'aime mon Dieu! avec tout mon coeur je t'aime!" Even this did not still my suspicious thoughts. The circumstances had been too strong jealousy had taken too firm a hold to be plucked out by mere assurances. Explanation alone could satisfy me. That or confession. Having made a commencement, I went on.