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In the first place there are lemons for making drink and linseed for poultices, some meat for making broth, and some flour, and other things for ourselves; we may have to stay here for some time. Tell me just what you want and I will get it." Chloe made out a list of necessaries. "I shan't be gone long," the girl said.

If, however, the excrescences continue to sprout from the cartilage, and the discharge continues unabated and offensive, they may be excised and the parts brushed over with nitrate of silver in substance. After this operation the flap often becomes extremely tender and much swollen; poultices of poppy-heads or hops will often afford much relief.

Drugs are not absorbed through the unbroken skin, but when applied with friction, or when the outer layer is removed by blistering, absorption may take place. Liniments, blisters and poultices are the preparations used. Volatile drugs, such as chloroform and ether, are absorbed quickly by the enormous vascular surface of the lungs.

Kelly used poultices of clay and wheat grass pulp on her lumps, somewhat like the warm castor oil poultices I used on my mother's arthritic deposits. Poultices not only feel very comforting, but they have the effect of softening up deposits and tumors so that a detoxifying, fasting body is more able to re absorb them. Poultices draw, pulling toxins out through the skin, unburdening the liver.

Count up your injuries, in its side-dishes of ailing sweetbreads in white poultices, of apothecaries' powders in rice for curry, of pale stewed bits of calf ineffectually relying for an adventitious interest on forcemeat balls.

The pain of the swelling was in particular very violent, and to some intolerable; the physicians and surgeons may be said to have tortured many poor creatures even to death. The swellings in some grew hard, and they applied violent drawing-plaisters or poultices to break them, and if these did not do they cut and scarified them in a terrible manner.

"Blue and clear eyes, of a strange brilliancy, with black eyelids and eyebrows?" "Yes." "Tall, well-made? She has lost a tooth, next to the eyetooth on the left?" "Yes." "The FLEUR-DE-LIS is small, rosy in color, and looks as if efforts had been made to efface it by the application of poultices?" "Yes." "But you say she is English?" "She is called Milady, but she may be French.

The warm smell of poultices mingled in his brain with the fresh odor of dew; he heard the iron rings rattling along the curtain-rods of the bed, and saw his wife sleeping. As he passed Vassonville he came upon a boy sitting on the grass at the edge of a ditch. "Are you the doctor?" asked the child. And on Charles's answer he took his wooden shoes in his hands and ran on in front of him.

"His wife is ill, unfortunately, and he is going to get some mustard for poultices for us to apply, and he will see you home." "Oh, thank you," stammered Esther, interested but uneasy.

Boots thus neatly made will neither interfere with his locomotive nor swimming powers, but add greatly to the comfort of the animal, and secure his services for many years. 'Treatment'. No stimulating applications to the feet are to be used, such as salt water, ley, fish brine, or urine, but rather emollient poultices and cooling washes.