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See berry dance if you stay long enough, perhaps a potlatch; do many things," said the Indian. One of the Indian paddlers said something to Kalitan, and he laughed a little, and Ted asked, curiously: "What did he say?" "Said Kalitan Tenas learned to talk as much as a Boston boy," said Kalitan, laughing heartily, and Ted laughed, too.

She learned much good at the mission school, marry Tah-ge-ah, and make people better. She can weave blankets, make fine baskets, and keep house like a white girl." "She's all right," said Ted. "But, Kalitan, what is a potlatch?" "Potlatch is a good-will feast," said his friend, "Very fine thing, but white men do not like. Say Indian feasts are all bad.

You'll let me try?" Rouletta was all eagerness. "We'll talk 'bout dat bimeby. First t'ing we goin' have beeg potlatch, lak Siwash weddin'." "Goody! Now run away while I get up." But the man shook his head. "Don' be soch hurry. Dis tent warm slow. Las' night de reever is froze solid so far you look. Pretty queeck people come."

That was the beginning of a great week of games, feasting and tribal dances, but not a night passed but the participants called for the wild "wolf-dance" of the little boy from the island. When the Potlatch was over, old Chief Mowitch and Lapool and Ta-la-pus returned to Vancouver Island, but no more the boy sat alone on the isolated rock, watching the mainland through a mist of yearning.

There was some murmuring at this, for the ruder fellows were already plotting a descent on the settlers, but Umatilla had given them great store of goods at the last potlatch, and they reluctantly consented. The venerable chief ordered them to make a grave for Benjamin like the white man's, and, when it had been dug, four warriors laid the body of his son within it.

This life of idleness you been leadin' one continual potlatch the whole time it wa'n't doin' you a bit of good." "We'll get action, don't you worry. Now let's have lunch down-stairs, and then go for a drive. It's too fine a day to stay in. I'll order the cart around and show you that blue-ribbon cob I bought at the horse show. I just want you to see his action. He's a beaut, all right.

The excitement was somewhat less than usual this night, on account of the great orgies which were expected to follow. The third and great night of the Potlatch came. It was the night of the full October moon. The sun had no sooner gone down in the crimson cloud-seas among the mountains, than the moon, like another sun, broad and glorious, lifted its arch in the distant blue of the serene horizon.

It is usually held at the time of the full moon, and lasts for several days and nights. One of the principal features is the Tamanous, or Spirit-dance, which takes place at night amid blazing torches and deafening drums. A chief rarely gives a Potlatch; he has no need of honors. But Umatilla desired to close his long and beneficent chieftainship with a gift-feast.

Mr. Strong smiled to see how the once fussy little gentleman helped himself with a right good-will to the Indian dainties of his friends. Many pieces of goods had been provided for the potlatch; and these were given away, given and received with dignified politeness.

When any asked her to play for them, the old chief would answer: "Not now, but at the Potlatch then it speak and you will hear; you will hear what it says." But, of all the people that came to the lodge, no one could have been more curious than Mrs. Woods.