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But, that such a fortunate philosophical millennium will come, I do so honestly believe it, that, had it been my choice to come into this world, I would have postponed it, until that happy future time. That many elevated sentiments of morality are originated from the impure source of selfishness, we must shamefully admit it.

For years Euphemia and I had been anxious to visit the enchanted lands on the other side of the Atlantic, but the obstacles had always been very great, and the matter had been indefinitely postponed. Pomona and Jonas were still living with us, and their little girl was about two years old.

The consideration of the admission of any new state or states formed out of Texas to be postponed till they present themselves for admission. California to be admitted as a free state. Territorial governments without the Wilmot Proviso to be established in New Mexico and Utah. The combination of No. 2 and No. 3 in one bill. The establishment of the present northern and western boundary of Texas.

He makes another Effort to towards the Accomplishment of his Wish, which is postponed by a strange Accident. He directed his valet-de-chambre, who was a thorough-paced pimp, to kindle some straw in the yard, and then pass by the door of her apartment, crying with a loud voice that the house was on fire.

So much would infallibly have to be put down for surprise and so much reasonably for displeasure, without any prejudice to the green hope budding underneath; the key to Hilda's theory might very well be lost in contingencies. Nevertheless, Alicia postponed her story from day to day and from hour to hour.

Many thousands of unfortunate citizens perished before Sulla was content to put a stop to the horrors. He then celebrated with exceeding magnificence the postponed triumph on account of his victory over Mithridates, and received from a trembling people the title Felix, the lucky.

I am not curious to know her name, and she has never mentioned it to me." "Now, darling angel, tell me whether my happiness will be postponed." "Yes, but only for twenty-four hours; the new professed sister has invited me to supper in her room, and you must understand I cannot invent any plausible excuse for refusing her invitation."

I enclose a box for Jacques Sennier's first night, which, as you'll see by the date, has had to be postponed for four days something wrong with the scenery. No hitch in your case! I feel you are on the edge of a triumph. "Hopes and prayers for the genius. Yours ever sincerely, "Susan sends her love not the universal brand." Claude read the note, and kept it for a moment in his hand.

"Doing the civil" was his jocular way of putting it one of Papa's little ways when he meant more. She knew that he was right, and postponed the fond man and his injunction. His love might be taken for granted by a favourite child. Just now it was her sisters' judgment she craved. Philippa wrote with her accustomed steel. It might have been a bayonet: yet she meant to be kind.

The armies of Pompeius and Crassus still lay before the gates of the city. This reason now existed no longer; but still the dissolution of the armies was postponed. In the turn taken by matters it looked as if one of the two generals allied with the democracy would seize the military dictatorship and place oligarchs and democrats in the same chains. And this one could only be Pompeius.