United States or Saint Pierre and Miquelon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Revolutionary feelings were not wholly dead, but they now vented themselves merely in gibes. On the night before the coronation the walls of Paris were adorned with posters announcing: The last Representation of the French Revolution for the Benefit of a poor Corsican Family. And after the event there were inquiries why the new throne had no glands d'or; the answer suggested because it was sanglant. Beyond these quips and jests the Jacobins and royalists did not go. When the phrase your subjects was publicly assigned to the Corps Législatif by its courtier-like president, Fontanes, there was a flutter of wrath among those who had hoped that the new Empire was to be republican. But it quickly passed away; and no Frenchman, except perhaps Carnot, made so manly a protest as the man of genius at Vienna, who had composed the "Sinfonia Eroïca," and with grand republican simplicity inscribed it, "Beethoven

It's really awful for poor Jimmy now he's on all the buses and in the Tube?" She referred to the monstrous posters that advertised his play in black letters eighteen inches high on a scarlet ground. "How do you feel when you're in the Tube?" said Norah.

Their ages were mentioned, their sizes, the color also of their eyes and hair. The immediate effect of these posters was to frighten Uncle Ben Holt considerably. He had been in a dreadful rage when first he discovered that Diana and Orion had taken him at his word and had decamped. He had been very cruel to every member of the troupe, and in especial to his poor wife.

It necessitated the use of an alphabetical index, and in some cases the calculation of the price of pints, when only quarts were listed, as we had used both pint and quart jars. "Further preparation consisted of the making of labels for the jars and of posters for the room.

The two smallest sophomores in the class, dressed as pages, had been chosen to place the posters announcing the various numbers on the standards at each side of the stage. These posters had been designed and painted by Beatrice Alden and Frances Marlton, who, with Mabel Ashe, Constance Fuller and several other public-spirited seniors, had generously offered their services.

"It's the biggest card yet. I'm going to have new posters printed, showing you rescuing the diver." "Oh, I wouldn't do that." "Sure I will. And say, Joe, if you want to ask for more money I won't object," and the ringmaster smiled. "Well, I can always use it," Joe replied. Jim Tracy nodded, but he wondered what Joe was doing with his large salary that is, large in circus circles.

Slow, undoubtedly, was the flight they did not run, they walked away; but so was pursuit, and altogether, without authentic lights and official helps a matter of post-chaises and perplexity, cross-roads and rumour, foundering in a wild waste of conjecture, or swallowed in the quag of some country inn-yard, where nothing was to be heard, and out of which there would be no relay of posters to pull you until nine o'clock next morning.

There were rows of dwelling houses, once ultra-respectable, now slatternly, and lawns gone grey; some of these houses had been remodelled into third-rate shops, or thrown together to make manufacturing establishments: saloons occupied all the favourable corners. Flaming posters on vacant lots announced, pictorially, dubious attractions at the theatres.

Malvina responded with her changeless smile of ineffable content. For the first time it caused him a distinct feeling of irritation. They were almost over Weymouth by this time. He could read plainly the advertisement posters outside the cinema theatre facing the esplanade: "Wilkins and the Mermaid. Comic Drama."

Once she found herself in the afternoon torrent of Broadway, swept past tawdry shops and flaming theatrical posters, with a succession of meaningless faces gliding by in the opposite direction... A feeling of faintness reminded her that she had not eaten since morning. She turned into a side street of shabby houses, with rows of ash-barrels behind bent area railings.