United States or Libya ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Then he went to the sutler or "skinner," as he was better known and paid 10 cents for a sheet of paper and an envelope, on which were the cheerful words, "It is sweet to die for one's country!" and 10 cents more for a 3-cent postage stamp. He borrowed a leadpencil, hunted up a piece of crackerbox, and sat down to his work by the flickering light of the fire. Si wrote: "Deer Annie."

After I had taken about as much riding as I could stand, I asked him to trade me if he thought I was so bad. "'Who would take you? he said to me. "'What do you mean? I asked. 'I can still lick any club in the league. And I could, too! Heck, I wasn't even twenty-six years old then. "'Lick any club in the league? scoffed McGraw. 'You couldn't lick a postage stamp!

When published, I shall take some method of conveying it to you, unless you may think it dear of the postage, which may amount to four or five shillings. However, I fear you will not find an equivalent of amusement. "Your last letter, I repeat it, was too short; you should have given me your opinion of the design of the heroi-comical poem which I sent you.

I went myself, but the clerk would not deliver me my letters, although I assured him that I would pay for them the next time. This made me angry, and I called upon the Baron de Taxis, the postmaster, and complained of the clerk, but he answered very rudely that the clerk had simply obeyed his orders, and that my letters would only be delivered on payment of the postage.

All other expenses of a merely personal nature, such as postage, public amusements, books, clothes, &c., as they have no special connection with Oxford, but would, probably, be balanced by corresponding, if not the very same, expenses in any other place or situation, I do not calculate.

Such a correction is effected by turning the plate on its face on a hard substance, hammering on the back until the surface is driven up smooth and then entering the design anew. A number of very delicate machines are used as aids to the engraver, though much more for bank-notes and large pieces of work than for postage stamps.

"I think there are a few postage stamps," answered Robinson at a guess. "You certainly have a good deal of assurance, young man," said the old gentleman in a tone of reproof. "If I were in this gentleman's place I would summon a policeman at once." "I prefer to give the boy a chance," said Robinson, who had his own reasons for not bringing the matter to the knowledge of the police.

The rapid improvement in the internal communications of the country, the increase of post offices and the cheapness of postage, together with the remarkable development of public education, especially in Upper Canada, naturally gave a great impulse to newspaper enterprise in all the large cities and towns.

Lucy did remember, and how she had suggested that George should collect postage stamps. "After you left Florence horrible. Then we took the house here, and he goes bathing with your brother, and became better. You saw him bathing?" "I am so sorry, but it is no good discussing this affair. I am deeply sorry about it." "Then there came something about a novel.

Wrote to his mother; had neither heard from her nor written to her in nine months. Was taken prisoner last Christmas, in Tennessee; sent to Nashville, then to Camp Chase, Ohio, and kept there a long time; all the while not money enough to get paper and postage stamps. Was paroled, but on his way home the wound took gangrene; had diarrhoea also; had evidently been very low.