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"I shall say but a single word. It will be yes." "But the secret! Mercy alive, you are keeping us waiting!" Warrington glanced around with mock caution. He went mysteriously to the portieres and peered into the hall; he repeated this performance at the dining-room door, then turned, a finger upon his lips. "Senator Henderson is looking for a candidate for mayor this fall.

He went in: his face was red; he made a quite ridiculous bow. His eyes drank in the velvet portières, the cut glass mirrors, the crystal vases, and the bronze statuettes.

After the disillusionments she had suffered she actually was beginning to think that he, too, would fail her in the crucial moment, when, at last, the portières parted, and Derby entered carrying the celebrated Sansevero Madonna! The princess and the marchese were so astonished that only Nina seemed to notice Derby himself. With a cry of "Jack!

The straw matting had Japanese figures on it, while a number of rugs covered the worn places, and gave it an opulent look. The table-covers, curtains, and portières were of blue jean worked in outline embroidery, and Mrs.

Harry Scott shuddered as he entered the familiar room where he had taken leave of his employer but comparatively few hours before. Even amid the confusion, he noted that in the outer room everything appeared the same as when he last saw it, but the portieres at the farther side, pushed widely open, revealed a ghastly sight.

Behind burnt-orange portieres of great length and great depth of nap, the Twenty-Four Follies, each tempered like a knife edge, stood identically poised for the first clash of Negroid music from a Negroid orchestra.

Doors and windows were hung with thick, dark-red portières, and the walls were almost as white as DeValera's face. "Pardon us for speaking Irish," he apologized. "We forget. Now first of all, we will go over the questions you sent me. I have written the answers. They must appear as I have put them down. That is the condition on which the interview takes place."

Suddenly Marcia's eyes, almost with the perpendicular slits of her kitten's in them, seemed to swish together like portières, shutting Hattie behind them with her. "Oh my Marcy!" said Hattie, dimly, after a while, as if from their depths. "Marcy, dearest!" "At at Harperly's, momie, almost all the popular upper-class girls wear a a boy's fraternity pin." "Fraternity pin?"

He wondered why the portières had not been taken down and folded away. He decided to penetrate first into the bedroom, partly because he deemed the bedroom might contain the solution of the enigma, and partly because his eye had fancied it saw a slight tremor in the portière leading to the outer hall. So he stepped stoutly across the space which separated him from the bedroom door.

He will find perhaps, also, that man for whom he has been waiting, vainly, some days. He was extending his hand to the button of the electric bell when from behind the portieres which half hid the door opening to the interior of the mansion a thin and timid voice came; one could hardly tell whether it was the voice of a child or a young lady: "Is it permitted to enter?"