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Come in, and I'll see if Wastborowe's in a reasonable temper, and that hangs somewhat on the one that Audrey's in." The porter shut the gate behind Mr Ewring, and went to seek Wastborowe. Just then Jane Hiltoft, coming to her door, saw him waiting, and invited him to take a seat. "Fine morning, Master." "Ay, it is, Jane. Have you yet here poor Johnson's little maid?"

Near the hour of ten o'clock that night, Noah drew up the fat panting horses before Sir William's house. The porter, who had been watching all day, opened the gate, the coach entered the courtyard, Noah uttered a hoarse "Whoa!" and almost fell off the box to the ground.

Pickwick's room, a little old gentleman in a suit of snuff-coloured clothes, followed by a porter carrying a small portmanteau, presented himself below; and, after securing a bed for the night, inquired of the waiter whether one Mrs. Winkle was staying there, to which question the waiter of course responded in the affirmative. 'Is she alone? inquired the old gentleman.

Contralto, to my mind, she went on placidly, stirring her porter in preparation for a draught, 'is only another name for roaring, which is unseemly. She drank her porter gratefully, keeping the spoon in place with one finger.

"What would you say, then," the King continued, "to the name of Williamson, or Carter, or Porter?" "Porter!" replied the other, gazing in the King's face "Porter!

On the 22d of July, 1796, General Cleaveland, accompanied by Augustus Porter, the principal of the surveying department, and several others, entered the mouth of the Cuyahoga from the lake. Job P. Stiles and his wife are supposed to have been with the party.

Lazzarone won the Suburban with blinkers on his head, bandages on his legs, an' God knows what in his stomach. He was second in the Brooklyn that same year. I've always heard he was a mule, an' I guess this one got it all, an' none of the gallopin'." "How does he work with the others?" queried Porter. "Runs a bit, an' then cuts it won't try a yard.

"Time will show, dear. At any rate, we have had our hour of fairyland." "I wish we hadn't," she said. "Don't you see it was only my sorcery, as you call it, that took us there? I meant us to go." At last we reached Cadogan Gardens. I descended and handed her out, and we entered the hall of the mansions. The porter stood with the lift-door open.

While he was speaking he had rung the bell, and his own two servants with Wilton's rode up to take the horses. Almost at the same moment a porter threw open the gates, and to his companion's surprise, Lord Sherbrooke asked for the Duke of Gaveston.

Was he one of the malicious familiars who are at work amongst us, disguised, and who playfully set us by the ears with divine traps for boobies? This porter was grinning. He went away with his hand over his mouth, and at that moment a train stopped at the platform. The engine was at the wrong end of it.