United States or Saint Pierre and Miquelon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Groholsky paused, and then asked: "And how are your ladies getting on, Ivan Petrovitch?" "Not at all. I've turned them out without ceremony. I might have gone on keeping them, but it's awkward. . . . The boy will grow up . . . . A father's example. . . . If I were alone, then it would be a different thing. . . . Besides, what's the use of my keeping them? Poof . . . it's a regular farce!

"If you are in a hurry," went on the chauffeur, "I can " "No, no hurry," responded the colonel. "Why, do you feel like driving fast?" "Very fast, monsieur. I always like to drive fast, only there is seldom call for it. Mr. Carwell, he at times would like speed, and again he was like the tortoise. But as for me poof! What would you?" and he shrugged his shoulders and reverted to his own tongue.

Fathers and sons rushed out on the front porch, followed by little girls, to whom any excuse to stop practising was like a plank to a drowning man. They had heard aright. Up by the Soldiers' Monument fell the clump of tired feet, and upon the air floated the wild alarm of . "FIRE! Pooh-ha! FIRE! Poof!

She danced gracefully and modestly, waving her chiffon scarf in the air, and moving it to and fro in a manner which looked easy enough, but which was in reality extremely difficult, and required no little effort of strength, so that by the time the dance was finished she was as flushed as her friends, and her breath came in quick, short pants. Poof how hot she felt, and how tired!

You you can't be making me an offer of marriage?" "Heaven forbid!" she cried. "I have had all I want of marriage, my friend. You will never catch me doing anything so foolish as that again. No, no! I do not desire to marry you, Mr. Percivail. Nothing so dreadful as that! Suppose we would be married, what zen? Poof!

"Y-you n-need n't be," he stammered, coloring. "S-señorita, I sh-shall never f-f-forget this day." "Quien sabe? poof! no more vill I; but now, adios, señor." She touched her pony's side sharply with the whip, and, standing motionless, Stutter watched them disappear over the abrupt ledge.

"Poof!" she said to herself, snapping her fingers in air "He is so ugly! that one man so dry and yellow and old! But the other he is a god!" And she snapped her fingers again, then kissed them towards the object of her adoration, an object as unconscious and indifferent as any senseless idol ever worshipped by blind devotees. On his return to the Plaza Mr.

Poof, I say! And it doesn't shine properly; it catches you in the eyes. Well, well, you can spoil your sight as far as I'm concerned!" But for the others the lamp was a renewal of life. Master Andres sunned himself in its rays. He was like a sun-intoxicated bird; as he sat there, quite at peace, a wave of joy would suddenly come over him.

As the last of them disappeared, Helmar fell rather than sat down on the deck, breathing hard. "That was a close call," he panted. "If they'd held on a bit longer, I was completely done. Poof! I've had enough for one day." Naoum was taking pot shots at the boats as they dodged about, picking up the men who had fallen into the water. He paused at his companion's words.

"Die die!" cried the hag, sharply, angered at the child's persistence. "'Tis easy to talk. To snuff a candle out is to die. Poof, 'tis done! But the young and beautiful like you, my dearies, do not so die at Machecoul. No; rather as a dying candle flickers out falls low, and rises again, so they die.