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We saw him in both Houses of Parliament as a heroic, unteachable opponent of Peel himself, of Bright and Cobden, of Gladstone, and sometimes even of Lord Derby and of Lord Salisbury, but he was merely a living protest against the succession of new ideas, and was no longer to be counted as a practical politician.

The senator had been unfortunate in his candidates. He had tried young men and old, lawyers and merchants; but he had failed to nominate a man who was popular with class and mass. The present mayor was a shrewd Democrat who understood the diplomacy of petty politics. He shook the grimy hand of toil in preference to the gloved hand of idleness. He was thoroughly a politician.

They hear of her cruelties; of their fathers, uncles, and kindred killed; they see the remains of burned and destroyed houses, and the common tradition of the school they go to, tells them, those things were done by the British. These are circumstances which the mere English state politician, who considers man only in a state of manhood, does not attend to.

"Have the nerve to do this; make yourself a true politician; put ideas and generous impulses aside; attend only to your functions; don't say a word to your new director; don't help him with a suggestion; and do nothing yourself without his order. In three months Baudoyer will be out of the ministry, either dismissed, or stranded on some other administrative shore.

It looks as if some of them were already thinking that they'd made a mistake." "Oh, that horrid Julius," said Patty lightly. "He doesn't matter a bit, does he, Mrs. "Not to me," laughed Corinna, "but I'm not a politician. Politicians have queer preferences." "Or queer needs," suggested Vetch.

If you gave him the appointment, you would make an enemy of your henchman and his followers. Your self-interest and your intellect combine in showing you what a mistake that would be. Usually a politician, by the time he has been selected by other politicians as a candidate for office, has become amenable to reason and may be counted on to avoid such a mistake.

It may also be of some interest to quote the verdict of an English statesman, who, differing from Jackson in all those things in which an aristocratic politician must necessarily differ from the tribune of a democracy, had nevertheless something of the same symbolic and representative national character and something of the same hold upon his fellow-countrymen.

I want to see you all at work, while I am alive, so I can scold if you do not do it well. Give the matter of selecting your officers serious thought. Consider who will do the best work for the political enfranchisement of women, and let no personal feelings enter into the question." Watching developments with the keen eye of a politician, she was confident that Mrs.

Love is the most beautiful thing on earth, the most holy, the most satisfyin'. But which would you like best I do not ask you as a politician, but as a human bein' which would you like best, the love of a strong, earnest, tender nature for in man or woman, 'the strongest are the tenderest, the loving are the daring' which would you like best, the love and respect of such a nature, full of wit, of tenderness, of infinite variety, or the love of a fool?

A new government was immediately formed by Mr. Peter Mitchell, a very energetic Liberal politician the first minister of marine in the first Dominion ministry who had notoriously influenced the lieutenant-governor in his arbitrary action of practically dismissing the Smith cabinet. On an appeal to the people Mr.