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"Why, besides, you called me a 'torturer, for which I can summon you at the police-station at any time for insulting behaviour." "Go, summon me," I roared, "go at once, this very minute, this very second! You are a torturer all the same! a torturer!" But he merely looked at me, then turned, and regardless of my loud calls to him, he walked to his room with an even step and without looking round.

Viner, too, had risen; he looked at Miss Wickham. "I hope my aunt called on you this morning?" he asked. "I was coming with her, but I had to go round to the police-station." "She did call, and she was very kind indeed, thank you," said Miss Wickham. "I hope she'll come again." "We shall both be glad to do anything," said Viner.

Mr Chadwick quietly waited till he was out of hearing, and then said to his wife, 'For all Tom's heroics, I'm just quietly going for a detective, wench. Thou need'st know nought about it. He went to the police-station and made a statement of the case. He was gratified by the impression which the evidence against Norah seemed to make.

But Bryce was not to be found at his rooms had not been back to his rooms, said his landlady, since he had ridden away early in the morning: all she knew was that he had ordered his dinner to be ready at his usual time that evening. With that the two men had to be content, and they went back to the police-station still discussing the situation.

They could do no good, and would probably lead to his spending the night and the next few nights at the local police-station. And, even if he were spared that fate, it was certain that he would have to leave the castle leave the castle and Molly! He jumped up. The thought had stung him. "One moment," he said. McEachern stopped. "Well?" "You're going to tell them that?" asked Jimmy. "I am."

Indignation carried her through that night, that men and the world could so entreat her. The arrested women were herded in a passage of the Panton Street Police-station that opened upon a cell too unclean for occupation, and most of them spent the night standing. Hot coffee and cakes were sent in to them in the morning by some intelligent sympathizer, or she would have starved all day.

He ascended in the direction of Department 42. Perhaps, after all, she had escaped his vigilance, and was at her duties. On the way thither he was accosted by a manager. 'Mr. Hugo. 'Well, Banbury? 'I telephoned to New Scotland Yard, but they refused any information. However, I've got a pair from the nearest police-station. I shall order our blacksmiths to make a dozen pairs to pattern.

You keep, not a temple of science, but a department for red tape and loyal behaviour, and it smells as sour as a police-station. No, my friends; I will stay with you for a while, and then I will go to my farm and there catch crabs and teach the Little Russians. I shall go, and you can stay here with your Judas damn his soul!

Ivan Mironov, with tears in his eyes, implored Eugene Mihailovich over and over again to acknowledge the coupon he had given him, and the yard-porter to believe what he said, but it proved quite useless; they both insisted that they had never bought firewood from a peasant in the street. The policeman brought Ivan Mironov back to the police-station, and he was charged with forging the coupon.

"We're ringing up headquarters ourselves, anyway." The plain-clothes man did as he was told. Quest took up the receiver from his telephone instrument and arranged the phototelesme. "Police-station Number One, central," he said, "through to Mr. French's office, if you please. Mr. Quest wants to speak to him. Yes, Sanford Quest. No need to get excited!... All right.