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He shivered a little as he stood up and walked across the room, and poking the charred logs into a flame; and, setting on more wood, he made the walls spring into yellow flashes, between which Vesta saw her forefathers dart cold glances at her, in their gilt frames yet how helpless they were, with all their respectability, to take her body or her father's honor out of pawn! and she felt for the first time the hollowness of family power, except in the ever-preserved mail of a solvent posterity.

Tom was "poking" away amid splinters, and bits of broken wood, when he suddenly uttered an exclamation, and held up something. "Look!" he cried. "I believe I've found it." "What?" asked Ned. "The thing that weakened the propeller. Look at this, and smell!" He held out a piece of wood toward Ned.

In fact, she was still poking through her basket and frowning thoughtfully when a childish voice came to her ears. "Yes, Virgie! Here I am. Out under the trees." Immediately came a sound of tumultuous feet and Miss Virginia Houston Cary burst upon the scene. She was a tot of seven with sun touched hair and great dark eyes whose witchery made her a piquant little fairy.

Just a few feet above the ground was a good sized hole in the tree, and poking his head out of it was a funny little fellow with big eyes and a hooked beak. "You certainly did fool me that time, Spooky," cried Peter. "I ought to have recognized your voice, but I didn't."

Every age is sure of its own fleas without poking over the rag-bag of the past; and of all things, a superstition has the least need of proving the antiquity of its pedigree, since its very etymology is better than the certificate of all the Heralds' Colleges put together. We are surprised that so clever and lively a man as Mr.

Lavendar, poking on with Goliath up the hill to Benjamin Wright's, had very much the same feeling: "Queer! I wish Willy wasn't bottled up; of course he knows what it means. Well; if I wait, she'll explain it herself." But many days were to pass before Helena made any effort to explain. And meantime Dr.

"Here, you are not half done!" cried Serge, poking him in the ribs with the butt end of his crook. "Get up, will you, or I'll make the other fellows stand you in a corner to be thrashed." "Oh, let him be, Serge," cried Marcus. "I did give it him well, and hit him as hard as I could."

I do not think that one can write for very long at a time to much purpose; I take the two or three hours when the mind is clearest and freshest, and write as rapidly as I can; this secures, it seems to me, a clearness and a unity which cannot be attained by fretful labour, by poking and pinching at one's work.

He swam out bravely towards Bouldon, poking his rod before him till the end reached his struggling school-fellow. "Catch hold of this catch hold of this!" he sang out lustily. Bouldon heard him, but his senses were becoming confused, and he could not exert himself to reach the point of the rod.

"Who is that round, red man, yonder, Adam?" he enquired, nodding to where the individual in question was engaged at that moment poking at something or other with a large, sausage-like finger. "That!" replied Adam in a tone of profound disgust, "that be Mr. Grimes, o' Cranbrook, sir.