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Over all, the warm sun spread a mantle. In the distance this bright mantle softened the rigid lines of the old-fashioned houses, and of the ledges and buttresses of the hills themselves. Old Mrs. Scattergood stood up, too, looking through her steel-bowed glasses. "I declare for't!" she said, "that's Poketown itself! That's the spire of the Union Church you see. We'll git there in an hour."

Although she had nearly completed her junior year at the Greensboro High School, and knew that she would not gain much help from Miss Scattergood, the girl loved study and she hoped that the Poketown girls would prove to be better companions than they had appeared when she had visited the school.

There has been a change in Poketown there most certainly has been a change!" and the girl laughed delightedly. It was marked everywhere. It even seemed to Janice as though people whom she met on the street stepped quicker than they once had! Janice knew she had given her own folks Uncle Jason, and Aunt 'Mira, and Cousin Marty a push or two in the right direction.

Therefore the reading-room next to the drug store was one evening crowded with earnest supporters of the belief that it was time Poketown built a new structure for the training of her youth. Janice saw to it that Uncle Jason went. Indeed, with Janice on one side and Marty on the other, Mr. Day could scarcely escape, for his son and his niece accompanied him to the place of meeting.

Few of the older boys were studying, and none of the bigger girls. The latter were too much interested in Janice. Looking them over, there was not one of these Poketown girls to whom Janice felt herself attracted.

Turning the bend in the road the 'cycle flashed into view, along with a whisp of dust. A young man rode the machine a young man who looked entirely different from the youths of Poketown. Janice looked at him with interest as he flashed past. She thought he was going so fast that he would never notice her curiosity.

She went out upon the porch at last to look in at the display. From the outside the window was pretty and bright it was like the windows she was used to seeing in the Greensboro stores. "One thing about it," she declared, with confidence. "There's nothing like this in the whole of Poketown. There isn't another store window that looks so fresh and yes! dainty." Then she went inside to Mr. Drugg.

Is it just a habit folks have, or have the Poketown selectmen passed an ordinance that you are to be the recipient of all personal information?" Janice was still amused, although she thought the young man was rather hard upon the town gossip. But Walky thought the observation over, and seemed finally to realize that the motorcyclist was making sport of him.

A smell of fresh paint rivaled the scent of the bursting lilac blooms. Never had Poketown been so busy. The cleaning-up process went on inside the houses as well as out. Of course, among pure-blooded New English housewives, such as the majority of Poketown matrons were, there were few drones. They prided themselves on their housekeeping.

Hardware was at a premium in Poketown, for a dozen gates along the line were hung with leather hinges, and bits of rope had taken the places of the original latches. From the water, however, even on closer view, the hillside village made a pretty picture. Near the wharf it was not so romantic, as Janice Day realized, when the coughing, wheezy steamboat came close in.