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"Let's quit talking now," suggested the Poker, "and get a ride, eh?" "I'm ready," said Tom eagerly. "Where do we start?" "There's the station up on the hill. It's only about 700 miles. We can walk it in a year," said Righty. "I move we take this cloud that's coming up," said the Bellows. "I'm winded."

By the time the sheriff gets out his posse they've skedaddled, and the leader, like as not, is takin' his quiet cocktail at the Bank Exchange, or mebbe losin' his earnings to the sheriff over draw poker, in Sacramento. You see you can't prove anything agin them unless you take them 'on the fly. It may be a part of Joaquim Murietta's band, though I wouldn't swear to it."

Then something hit me in the left shoulder and my left side went numb. It felt as if a hot poker was being driven through me. I felt no pain just a sort of nervous shock. A bayonet had pierced me from the rear. I fell backward on the ground, but was not unconscious, because I could see dim objects moving around me. Then a flash of light in front of my eyes and unconsciousness.

"Partner," continued Werther, brushing away the big hand of Drew which would have pulled him down into his seat; "I've seen you bluff for two nights hand running. There ain't no man can bluff all the world three times straight." The ringmaster retorted in his great voice: "That sounds like good poker. What's your game?"

They've been stalkin' Tom's chickens," supplied Waffles, the champion poker player of the outfit. Tom Lee's chickens could whip anything of their kind for miles around and were reverenced accordingly. "Sho! Is that so?" Asked Frenchy with mild incredulity, such a state of affairs being deplorable.

He had paid for her breakfast before he tried at poker. He forgot himself, and presently he raised a light-hearted carol to the shuffle, shuffle, shuffle of her hoofs.

Tree of dem, he tink he kill straight, the poker fall on de top ob deir heads, de oder man give a dig in Sam's left shoulder wid his knife, and de sudden pain shake Sam's aim a little and de blow fall on him neck. He gib a shout and tumble down. None ob do oder four had shouted or made any remark when Sam hit dem. Den Sam caught up de captain and ran along de wharf. Presently he heard a hail.

Hereafter he could think of Katy in the row-boat the other figure was a dim unreality which might have come to mean something, but which never did mean anything to him. I wonder who keeps the tavern at Cypher's Lake now? In those old days it was not a very reputable place; it was said that many a man had there been fleeced at poker.

"Hoh!" exclaimed Condy; "what do YOU know of poker? I think we had best play old sledge or cassino." Blix had dealt a hand and partitioned the chips. "Straights and flushes BEFORE the draw," she announced calmly. Condy started and stared; then, looking at her askance, picked up his hand. "It's up to you." "I'll make it five to play." "Five? Very well. How many cards?" "Three." "I'll take two."

The man's skull had been shattered by a blow from a poker delivered from behind. There could be no doubt that Beddington had obtained entrance by pretending that he had left something behind him, and having murdered the watchman, rapidly rifled the large safe, and then made off with his booty.