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Not only the brute that was on the point of leaping at her, but three others, turned as soon as they could poise themselves and went after her at their utmost bent. But her change of direction was a most fortunate action. As in the case of the abrupt darting aside, when on the surface of the larger stream, it placed her considerably in advance of the nearest pursuers.

Just her poise on the wall comes suddenly clear before me, and behind her the light various branches of the bushes of the shrubbery that my feet might not profane, and far away and high behind her, dim and stately, the cornice of the great facade of Bladesover rose against the dappled sky. Our talk must have been serious and business-like, for we were discussing my social position.

He remembered the Egyptian fulness of the lips, the strange balancing movement of her head upon her slender neck, the same movement that one sees in a snake at poise. Never had he seen a girl more radiantly beautiful, never a beauty so strange, so troublous, so out of all accepted standards.

"Seignor qui ci estes venu Petit et grant, jone et chenu, Il vos est trop bien avenu Sachiez de voir; Je ne vos vueil pas decevoir Bien le porroz apercevoir Ainz que m'en voise. Asiez vos, ne fetes noise Si escotez s'il ne vos poise Je sui uns mires." He has been long with the lord of Caire, where he won much gold; in Puille, Calabre, Luserne.

The very genuine note of concern in Eph's voice caused Jack and Hal to open their own eyes instantly. Nor could any of the three repress a quick start. From all quarters naval cadets were advancing stealthily upon them. Something in the very attitude and poise of the young men told the submarine boys that these naval cadets were out for mischief. "We're in for it!" breathed Jack, in an undertone.

But there is no one, even among the most strong, who has not felt at some time in his life the joy of finding counsel, moral support, or protection, if only in the form of a hearty and energetic agreement with his ideas. One can not wonder, therefore, that people of poise are able to draw to themselves sympathies and devotion of which the timid are entirely ignorant.

There was a quiet alertness in his poise, a danger-signal in itself. There was only one thing for Mr. Buffin to do. Greatly as it would go against the grain, he must foregather with the man, win his confidence, put himself in a position where he would be able to find out what he did with himself when off duty. The policeman offered no obstacle to the move.

Laurie, his cigarette forgotten in his fingers, watched her curiously, taking in her evident tension, her slowly returning poise, and at last the little breath of relief with which she turned back to him. "I wish I could tell you all you want to know," she said, "but I can't. That's all there is to it. So please let us change the subject." His assurance returned.

Certainly he must have known that he would stand little chance in attacking five healthy, hearty youngsters, each of whom had the glow of clean-living on his cheeks, while their poise showed that they were used to active work, and ready for any emergency. "Get out of this yard!" roared the farmer. "What right have you got interfering between me and my hired man, anyhow?

'Me and 'Arry are going out, she said at length, with a rather timid smile and a poise of the head in pretty wilfulness. 'Not 'Arry, Richard observed significantly. 'Why not? came from the younger Mutimer, with access of boldness. 'If you're not well enough to go to work you certainly don't go out at night for your pleasure.