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There is only one effectual way of dealing with things one does not want to do make past history of them as fast as possible. Very soon after entering the garden I asked Mr. Chalmers, who was mildly interested in the beauties before him, to sit down with me. Without further dallying, I went straight to the point of the interview.

It seemed to him, for one blinding instant, as if at last he saw how distance was contained in a single point, colour in whiteness, and sound in silence, as at the very Word of Him who now at last had taken His power and reigned, whose Kingdom at last had come indeed, to whom in very truth All Power was given in heaven and earth. . . .

Toby looked up at him with her clear eyes wide with surprise. "What the blazes has it to do with Sheila Melrose?" she said. He laughed briefly. "Nothing, of course. Less than nothing. It's just a point of view. She thinks you're too pretty to be buried before you've had your fling rot of that sort."

"What do you mean by that?" demanded Miss Williams, tartly. "Oh, don't fly mad, Miss, I was only speaking from a historical point of view. Judging from the past, it seems to me you wouldn't be apt to have more than a dozen beaux dangling after you after they'd used you mean as you say " "Girl, I'll have you discharged." "You can't do that," retorted Sallie, defiantly.

Just a request to take care of the girl as her nearest relative without any explanation or a single allusion to the financial catastrophe, its tone strangely detached and in its very silence on the point giving occasion to think that the writer was not uneasy as to the child's future. Probably it was that very idea which had set the cousin so readily in motion.

He had known Ray a dozen years before when both were wearing the gray as cadets at the Point, but they were in different classes and by no means intimate.

Although these glories of remote antiquity are here mostly in an admirable state of preservation, historians are generally lost in contradictions when they attempt to point to any particular piece of statuary as the labour of any known sculptor. The sculptor of the Venus de Medici is not known; and the Apollo Belvedere is a masterpiece, the author of which lies shrouded in the depths of the past.

"How did you know it had a personal bearing?" "I suspected as much." "Yes, it has. I mean that within the last four or five months since I've been in Hatboro' I seem to have lost my old point of view; or, rather, I don't find it satisfactory any more. I'm ashamed to think of the simple plans, or dreams, that I came home with.

Find shape and size of this triangle. Then at any point take two angles visible between the points, and this fixes position of observer. A large site may have forty points fixed in two hours thus to about 1 in 1000. For detail and plotting see Petrie, Methods and Aims in Archaeology. Theodolite. For the most accurate work a theodolite is used, giving points to about 1 in 5000.

"It was very kind of you to think of it, though I really don't believe the stuff does me any good," said Charlotte. "Nancy Woolper used to get it for me at Bayswater. She made quite a point of fetching it from the chemist's herself." "Indeed!" exclaimed Mr. Sheldon. "Nancy troubled herself about your medicine, did she?" "Yes, papa; and about me altogether.