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There was a little more of persistence on one side and resistance on the other; and then Mr. March put the guineas irresolutely back into his pocket, looking the while lingeringly at the boy at his tall figure, and flushed, proud face. "How old are you?" "Fifteen, nearly." "Ah!" it was almost a sigh. He turned away, and turned back again. "My name is March Henry March; if you should ever "

He hesitated a minute longer, then said: "I'll not wait," patted his horse's neck, pulled the blanket closer round him, and started for the Fort. He entered the yard it was empty. He went to the door of the Fort, opened it, entered, shut it, locked it softly, and put the key in his pocket. Then he passed through into a room at the end of the small hallway.

It must have been Musard, the explorer, the man who had wandered afar in strange lands in search of precious stones, who had brought to the moat-house the peculiar stone of which the missing brooch and the little image had been fashioned. Acting on the swift impulse to take the image to Miss Heredith and see how she received it, Caldew slipped the chain into his pocket and hurried downstairs.

As soon as he saw George Vavasor, he rose from his chair quickly, and put down his book. "Mr Vavasor," he said, "I hardly expected to see you in my lodgings again!" "I dare say not," said Vavasor; "but, nevertheless, here I am." He kept his right hand in the pocket which held the pistol, and held his left hand under his waistcoat. "May I ask why you have come?" said Grey.

Richards added, after a pause. "Yes," said his companion, slowly. "She's got it in her fast enough;" and he returned to his page of manuscript. "Much good may it do her!" he added, with weary cynicism. Richards laughed, and pulled a pack of cards out of his pocket. "I'll play solitaire," he said. "Thank Heaven!" murmured the other, devoutly. Ada arrived breathless. "Here 'tis," said she.

One of our own lot, maybe! Oh; that's the money, is it? A thousand dollars; all that I'm to have for coming to England and telling you, and bringing you back, and showing you where you could get this pretty picter made." Then he took the money, a thick roll of notes, and crammed them into his pocket. "You'd better count them." "It ain't worth the while with such a trifle as that."

I left her after breakfast, and in the evening I came back with a basket full of good books and music, and I sent her an excellent harpsichord. My kindness confused her, but I surprised her much more when I took out of my pocket three pairs of slippers. She blushed, and thanked me with great feeling.

Nay, how is it possible he should avoid ruin and destruction? I mean, as to his business; for, in short, every such servant has his hand in his master's pocket, and may use him as he pleases.

He had made a good fight with poverty during his labors, and at the time of his departure for home he was in a condition sufficiently hard to test any man's fortitude. I had concluded to make my way home and get another outfit. I was in Marietta, and had just seventy-five cents in my pocket. How I would get home and pay my way I could not tell."

It was at the beginning of October, and about that time Count Medini arrived at Florence without a penny in his pocket, and without being able to pay his vetturino, who had arrested him. The wretched man, who seemed to follow me wherever I went, had taken up his abode in the house of a poor Irishman.