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That is the way grandmothers are, you know, whether they live across the street from you and see you every day, or whether they live miles away and come to visit you Christmas and summer times. A grandmother is always glad to see you. Grandmother Hastings was short and plumpy and her white hair was curly and her eyes were blue.

Bazzi is a sensualist: as his palate grows stale he whets it by stronger meat; thinks to provoke appetite by disgust; would draw you on by a nasty inference, as a dog by his hankering after faecal odours. What nearness to Art in his plumpy boy stuck with arrows like a skewered capon? Causes nuns to weep, hey? and to dream dreams, hey? Nature would do that cleanlier; and waxwork more powerfully!

It seemed hard that Molly and Midge had no one to appreciate the results of their labors, but Hoopsy Topsy was washing the dishes after the family meal, Plumpy was asleep on the floor, and Dibbs was playing out in the door-yard, with some battered old toys. So, taking their baskets, Molly and Midge started homeward.

Her healthily pink cheeks and her little round bosom were plump, and across the back of each of her hands were four dimples that flashed in and out as she bore down on the cracker. She was as clear as a mountain stream. "A trifle too plumpy," he thought, but just the same wished he had wet his military brushes.

"Jiminy Christmas!" cried Hoopsy Topsy, quite upsetting Dibbs as she made a rush for the pie. And then Plumpy, the baby, wiggled his fat little self across the floor and joined the crowd about the pie, and aided by the Elegant Ella, in a few moments there wasn't any pie at all. "Just look at them," said Mrs. Dunn, placidly; "you'd think they didn't have no manners!

Plucky fine sportsmen, these French beggars, ain't they? "'Well, you was about a thousand to one, Chollie, so I don't know as I blames em, says the orse-captain, laughin. "'All very well for you, grumbles Plumpy, mighty bitter. 'I suppose you bagged all your lot. "'Every mother's son on em, says t'other, chuckin himself off. 'Rare sport. Look there ! and he shows the edge of his sword.

I have known it to do so, and to survive with much of its youthful glory. But that mild-eyed, soft, round, plumpy prettiness gives way beneath such a weight as that: years alone tell on it quickly; but children and limited means combined with years leave to it hardly a chance. "I'm sure I'm very sorry," said the poor woman, worn with her many cares.

'Them we didn't cut up in the open, we run to earth in a drain, and pots em pretty from the mouth. "'Any prisoners? says Plumpy, mighty keen. "'There was two, says, the orse-captain, sniggerin. "Plumpy turns on his heel. "'Damme you might ha left me the prisoners, Bill, says he.

And strike me dead!" he lifted a streaming face "if it didn't come over me all of a pop what Mr. Piper said about him and Jesus." He pulled himself together and went on. "Then up come the orse-captain, great black charger in a lather. "'What luck? says he. "'Why none, says the foot-captain, little black and red chap, plumpy. 'The Grenadier chaps in the farm-buildings surrendered at discretion.

Hoopsy Topsy, get off that chair this minute and give it to the ladies! Dibbs, you lift Plumpy out of the other one, quick! There! Now you girls set down and rest yourselves! Did you bring them baskets for us? Lawsee! What a good woman Mis' Sherwood is, to be sure! Now ain't that just like her!