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Cocks-body, my friend, straight under Proserpina's close-stool, to the very middle of the self-same infernal pan within which she, by an excrementitious evacuation, voideth the faecal stuff of her stinking clysters, and that just upon the left side of the great cauldron of three fathom height, hard by the claws and talons of Lucifer, in the very darkest of the passage which leadeth towards the black chamber of Demogorgon.

If the puppies are numerous, and confined in close situations, the effluvia of their transpiration and faecal discharges will often be productive of mange very difficult to be removed. Close confinement, salted food, and little exercise, are frequent causes of mange. 'The Scabby Mange' is a frequent form which this disease assumes.

In the lower part of the sigmoid-flexure, just before descending to form the rectum, and in the left hand upper corner of the colon as it turns toward the right, were pockets eaten out of the hardened faecal matter, in which were eggs of worms and quite a quantity of maggots, which had eaten into the sensitive mucous membrane, causing serious inflammation of the colon and its adjacent parts, and as recent investigation has established as a fact, were the cause of his hemorrhoids, or piles, which I learned were of years' standing.

When this separation occurs little slits occur in the rectal lining, in which faecal matter lodges, ultimately forming what are known as pockets, causing, first, irritation, then inflammation, and, finally, results in "proctitis" chronic inflammation of the intestinal canal.

Once in the system, the bacteria must have decayed matter to feed upon, therefore it is impossible for a person who is clean both inside and out to take typhoid fever, there being no facilities for the germs to breed and multiply. A peculiar secretion from the colon, mixed with the faecal matter of long standing, induces a fermentation that generates a putrid smelling gas.

This is a disease of the colon. The retention of faecal matter in the folds of the colon inflames the parts until they become dry, then the soft evacuations dry on the sensitive mucous membrane.

Is an inflammation of the membrane covering the bowels, and is frequently caused by concussion or injury; sometimes it extends from adjacent organs, but in many instances it is caused by the breeding of worms in the hardened faecal accumulations in the colon.

The muscular fibres of the intestines are circular and longitudinal. These become the seat of faecal accumulations, only too often unnoticed by the physician. It is undoubtedly a fact that the loculi of the colon contain small faecal accumulations extending over weeks, months, or even years.

Before using either the night-commode, or the pot-de-chambre, let a little water, to the depth of one or two inches, be put in the pan, or pot; in order to sweeten the motion, and to prevent the faecal matter from adhering to the vessel. Let there be frequent change of linen, as in sickness it is even more necessary than in health, more especially if the complaint be fever.

If tested by the hand you are absolutely safe, since water can he used twenty degrees hotter internally than externally, but in its passage from the body it would he painful to the external parts. Hot water is the best solvent for impacted faecal matter, and, on the other hand, water below the temperature of the body is likely to cause pain.