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The costal pleura was covered with organized lymph to the thickness of an inch, with the usual characteristics. The right chest contained a small quantity of serum, and had several small, hardened red spots in that lung, with some tender, weak adhesions; but most of the right lung was healthy. Case 9. Sick four weeks. Killed. Autopsy.

The edges of the diaphragm are firmly attached to the walls of the trunk, and the center is supported by the pericardium and the pleura. The outer margin is muscular, but the central portion consists of a strong sheet of connective tissue. By the contraction of its muscles the diaphragm is pulled down, thereby increasing the thoracic cavity.

Sand was carried to the hospital and guarded with the utmost strictness; the wounds were serious, but, thanks to the skill of the physicians who were called in, were not mortal; one of them even healed eventually; but as to the second, the blade having gone between the costal pleura and the pulmonary pleura, an effusion of blood occurred between the two layers, so that, instead of closing the wound, it was kept carefully open, in order that the blood extravasated during the night might be drawn off every morning by means of a pump, as is done in the operation for empyaemia.

The hop farmer should have a lady-bird on his seal ring for his sign and token, for the lady-bird is his great friend. Ignorant of physiology! Yet they did not seem to suffer; the pins did not penetrate the pleura or lodge in the processes. Now Anatomy climbs into the pulpit and shakes a bony fist at the congregation. That is the humerus of it, as Corporal Nym might say.

They are separated by the diaphragm, and are enveloped by their own covering, called the pleura, and form that part of the body called the chest.

The Talmudists knew the origin of the spinal cord at the foramen magnum and its form of termination; they described the oesophagus as being composed of two coats; they speak of the pleura as the double covering of the lungs; and mention the special coat of fat about the kidneys.

The sac is completely closed, so that no communication exists between the serous cavity and the parts in its neighborhood. The various serous membranes are the pleura which envelops the lungs; the pericardium which surrounds the heart; the peritoneum which invests the viscera of the abdomen, and the arachnoid in the spinal canal and cranial cavity.

The consequence of this is that vital action is so abstracted from the pleura that the tension of its small vessels is relaxed, and blood is admitted as it is not intended it should be. Severe pain is felt on one or both sides, and round under the shoulder-blade. A painful cough arises, and great fever is produced.

Disease has a notable effect upon the frequency of respirations. In diseases involving the lungs, bronchial tubes, and the pleura, the rate may be alarmingly increased, and the pulse is quickened in proportion. The Mechanism of Breathing. The chest is a chamber with bony walls, the ribs connecting in front with the breastbone, and behind with the spine.

In dressed carcasses of cows that have been slaughtered from pleuro-pneumonia, even though the disease has not been far advanced, it will be found that the butcher has carefully scraped the serous membrane off the inner surface of the ribs, as it would otherwise be impossible for him to give the pleura its healthy, smooth aspect, from the firm manner in which the abundant false membranes adhere to it.