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He had fought for her, and conquered; and had pled with her, and all these memories were loathsome by reason of that final thing which had all the while lain in wait for him. He looked back and saw himself as he had been at a score of crucial moments in the day always in the shadow of that final thing.

But it was, as she could dimly see, a game that might prove exceedingly dangerous to play, and the Count had spoiled it all, anyway. And a curious flutter in her heart, as she watched the Boy take his punishment with as good grace as possible, pled for his pardon until she finally desisted and bade the little company good night.

With ready decision as well as with his accustomed zeal for art, Ruskin ended by defending and applauding the new innovators, particularly as their chief motive was the one the master had always strenuously pled for, adherence to the simplicity of nature.

"An' that I will truly do, Peter of Colfax," spoke Bertrade, "if you do not immediately send for my friends to conduct me from thy castle, for I will not step my foot from this room until I know that mine own people stand without." Peter of Colfax pled and threatened, commanded and coaxed, but all in vain.

These speeches were reported to Baatu, who immediately wrote to the servants of Ban to bring their lord bound before him. Then Baatu demanded whether he had spoken the words, which were reported, and Ban acknowledged them, but pled that he was drunk at the time, and it is usual among the Tartars to forgive the words and actions of drunk men.

Depones that the cutlass now produced is the same that George Robertson had in his hand at Widow Fowler's house. Causa scienticæ patet. And this is truth, as he shall answer to God, and depones he cannot write. Upon the indictment against the panels being read in court, they all pled "Not guilty," and certain defences were offered for them.

Sylvia came in pretty soon for a critical survey of what March had accomplished with the piano, volunteered to help and attempted to. But having pled some of Anthony's arrangements of loose parts, she was sacked off the job and sent back to the hay field to bring the boys in for supper. After supper the excitement over the piano increased.

MacLure could not have ridden through the snow of forty winters without suffering, yet no one ever heard him complain, and he never pled illness to any messenger by night or day.

When the cause of Russia seemed hopeless, she took her jewels and went before the Turkish victor, presented them to him and pled the justice of her country’s cause with such convincing skill and diplomacy that peace was declared. Victoria, Queen of England, was really superior to all the kings of Europe in ability, justness and equitable administration.

The emperor rode in the middle, attended by ten Dajis, or governors of provinces, and by the three lords who had so warmly pled in flavour of the ambassadors. When the emperor drew near, Kazi Jusof, one of these friendly lords, came up and ordered the ambassadors to prostrate themselves; and when they had done so, the emperor ordered them to arise and mount their horses, and to accompany him.