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Henry, however, was a politician, not a Christian; and nothing is more amazing than the deaf ear which even apparently good men can turn to the pleadings of conscience when they are involved in the mazes of political ambition. The process of conversion was, for decency's sake, protracted and ostentatious.

Because for months, amidst all the vices of this foul court-air, amidst the flatteries of the softest voice that ever fell upon woman's ear, amidst, peradventure, the pleadings of thine own young and guileless love, thine innocence is unscathed. And therefore Katherine of Bonville may be the friend of Sibyll Warner."

Thus I began to write these papers with a definite end: I was to be the Advocatus, not I hope Diaboli, but Juventutis; I was to state temperately the beliefs of youth as opposed to the contentions of age; to go over all the field where the two differ, and produce at last a little volume of special pleadings which I might call, without misnomer, "Life at Twenty-five."

Carleton," said Constance, as he threw down the magazine, "will you decide that point of English between Miss Ringgan and me?" "I should like to hear the pleadings on both sides, Miss Constance." "Well, Fleda, will you agree to submit it to Mr. Carleton?" "I must know by what standards Mr. Carleton will be guided, before I agree to any such thing," said Fleda.

In one and the same cause the process and pleadings are in the fashion of one nation, the judgment is according to the laws of another. An issue is evolved according to the rules of Westminster, and decided according to those of Benares. The only Mahometan book in the nature of a code is the Koran; the only Hindoo book, the Institutes.

She had expected an outburst of reproach, of beseechings, of protestation. She had braced herself to meet it, and she felt the reaction. She was hardly capable of coping with seeming indifference. It touched her pride. She missed the tribute of the withheld pleadings. She sought to rouse his jealousy. "It's another man I like," she said, "better oh, a heap better than you-uns."

In the fourth day of his fever, he being att the Chancery Bar, he fell so ill of the fever, that he was forced to leave the Court and come to his chambers in the Temple, with one of his clerks, which constantly wayted on him and carried his bags of writings for his pleadings, and there told him that he should return to every clyent his breviat and his fee, for he could serve them no longer, for he had done with this world, and thence came home to his house in Salisbury Court, and took his bed.... And there he sequestered himself to meditation between God and his own soul, without the least regret, and quietly and patiently contented himself with the will of God.

Such were the conflicts through which Dolores passed; but before morning came she had resolved to silence her imagination and the pleadings of her heart. Resigned to her voluntary defeat, she decided not to combat this growing passion on the part of Antoinette, but to encourage it.

She knew what should be her argument if she were determined to oppose her cousin's pleadings; and she knew also she thought she knew that she did intend to oppose them; but there was a coldness in the argument to which she was averse. 'You cannot be insensible to such love as that! said Mary, going on with the cause which she had in hand. 'You say that he is fond of me. 'Fond of you!

Rothsay, I have yielded to his pleadings and consented to marry him." "Mr. Rockharrt has already told me so," coldly replied Cora. "And, dear, I wish to add this that the marriage need make no difference in our domestic relations at Rockhold." "I do not understand you." "I mean in the family circle." "Oh! thank you!" said Cora, with the nearest approach to a sneer that ever she made.