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It would be unfair to expect tokens of friendship from the vanquished; but can you deny that even the bitterest hatred could scarcely succeed in devising anything more hostile?" "Let the past rest! Who would not seek in war to diminish the enemy's booty?" pleaded the Queen in a soothing tone.

"Let me alone," Sidney cried as he sought to free himself. "Aber, Sidney," Abe pleaded, "you mustn't act so strange with me. Did you got any breakfast yet?" Sidney shook his head sullenly. "Me neither," Abe cried. "Come on over to the Waldorf."

Evidently after all he hadn't quite understood this boy. "Got your trunk packed?" "No, but mother can send me that." "Don't go today," pleaded his mother. "Wait until you get something ready, Eugene. Wait and do a little thinking about it. Wait until tomorrow." "I want to go today, ma." He slipped his arm around her. "Little ma." He was bigger than she by now, and still growing.

The practice of old times, when the great noble pleaded for the life or property of his humbler defendants, and was repaid by their attachment and support, still existed in theory. It exists indeed to this day, and accounts for the fact that a barrister among ourselves has no legal means of recovering his fees. But a practice of paying counsel had begun to grow up.

I know the gang of cowards in your department so I'd advise you to give the dope to these here so that they can disinfect the premises when they go in." "For the love of Mike," Daughtry pleaded, all of stunned belligerence gone from him in his state of stunned conviction that the dread disease possessed him.

Just as scientists classify trees and plants in botany, Berta proposed that we should divide the students into different classes according to their manners. "It will be so improving and instructive too," she pleaded, "we'll be paragons of politeness before we finish them all. We'll be so particular about our highest class that we will notice every little thing and thus take warning."

The eccentric manners and violent temper of this woman made her a disgrace and a torment to her connections. But Bacon was not aware of her faults, or was disposed to overlook them for the sake of her ample fortune. Essex pleaded his friend's cause with his usual ardour. The letters which the Earl addressed to Lady Hatton and to her mother are still extant, and are highly honourable to him.

"Yes!" she pleaded. "Yes! Please! They wouldn't come to warn you they tried to stop me. You must go ashore." The frightened entreaty in her clear, wide-open eyes, the disorder that her haste had made affected O'Neil strangely. He stared at her, bewildered, doubtful, then steadied her and groped with his free hand for support. He could feel her trembling wretchedly.

The blood went surging to her brows, for all of a sudden, as through impulse irresistible, her hand was seized in his in both of his, in fact and the deep voice that had pleaded at her behest for the cause of Billy Gray was now, in impetuous flow of words that fell upon her ears like some strain of thrilling music, pleading at last his own.

"I never thought I should have a watch, and such a darling beauty as this. Oh, Cousin Kate!" "I am glad it pleases you," said her cousin, with another kiss. "You should have had it two years ago; but I thought you rather young to be trusted with a watch then, so I kept it till we should meet." "Oh, do make haste and open another! It's such fun to see you," pleaded Marian.