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If the footsteps I hear approach this door," and she indicated the door by which he had entered the little room, "thou canst step through this other doorway into the adjoining apartment, and conceal thyself there until the danger passes." Norman of Torn made a wry face, for he had no stomach for hiding himself away from danger. "For my sake," she pleaded.

Fran tilted her head sidewise, and the glance of her eyes proved irresistible. "But tell me about Mr. Gregory," she pleaded, "and don't mind my ways. Ever since mother died, I've found nothing in this world but love that was for somebody else, and trouble that was for me." The pathetic cadence of the slender-throated tones moved Abbott more than he cared to show.

When therefore John Eustace, in regard to those diamonds, had pleaded that the heir in his long minority would obtain ample means of buying more diamonds, and of suggesting that the plunder for the sake of tranquillity should be allowed, Mr. Camperdown took upon himself to say that he'd "be if he'd put up with it!" "I really don't know what you are to do," said John Eustace.

"'Only'!" said Marie despairingly, "'only'!" She recalled Julia to him faintly, when she exclaimed: "I wonder how you men would like to feel sick and faint and ragged-out for 'only' three months!" He hung his head. "Well, we can't help it," he pleaded, half guiltily. "I know," she whispered, with a sob in her throat, "but don't say 'only."

'Lew Hervey and his boss the girl. That's what they been saying about me. But I ain't been taking that to heart. What I'm doing now is for your own good, only you don't know it! You'll see it later on." "Mr. Hervey," she pleaded, "if it will change you, I'll give you my oath to stop bothering with the management of the ranch. You can run it your own way. I'll leave if you say the word, but "

Do you recollect telling me that you have been in prison?" "Only six times," pleaded Smilash, his features working convulsively. "Don't bear too hard on a common man. Only six times, and all through drink. But I have took the pledge, and kep' it faithful for eighteen months past."

Far from it. For most other religions, however they may have differed among themselves, have agreed in fearing beauty, and even in Greece there were stern sanctuaries and ascetic academes where the white bosom of Phryne would have pleaded in vain.

And if she succeeded in taking a few brave strokes and finished with a neat slide, she pleaded for a verdict of "Well done!" with such an appealing smile and such a fine show of dimples that every one was fascinated and applauded heartily. Miss Damer skated as became her free and vigorous character.

"Her consciousness of all that naturally carries her over any particular distress in regard to what won't come to me now from another source." "Ah don't lose it!" the old man painfully pleaded. "It's in your hands, sir," Nick returned. "I mean Mrs. Dallow's fortune. It will be of the highest utility. That was what your father missed." "I shall miss more than my father did," said Nick.

"Don't treat me like this!" he pleaded distractedly. "What shall I do?" asked Ethel with wide open eyes, "apologise? That's odd. I've been waiting for YOU to." Brent turned away again with an impatient ejaculation. As he moved up toward the windows Alaric came in behind him through the door. "Hello, Brent," he called out heartily. "H'are ye?"