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There was no change not a sign of that happy waking in which he so firmly believed. Schwartz opened the drawer of the table. Tobacco and pipes; two or three small drinking-glasses; a dirty pack of playing-cards; the mad watchman's song, with a woodcut illustration of the suicide all lay huddled together.

Phebe, more sugar, please." "I will endeavor to work one up between now and then regardless of cost. Four o'clock, I believe. What is it to be? A dance?" "Holy Moses! at Mrs. Upjohn's!" "Oh, she doesn't go in for that kind of thing? A card-party, then?" "Great heavens! Mr. De Forest, are you mad? I don't doubt she struggles with herself over every visiting card that she uses, and playing-cards !"

"If the Northern soldiers have Bibles, they do not use them," said Helen. "And if the Southern soldiers have playing-cards, they do use them," said Mrs. Prescott. Robert laughed. "I daresay that both sides use their cards too much and their Bibles too little," he said. "Do not be alarmed, Robert," said his mother; "such encounters between Helen and myself are of a daily occurrence."

The downfall and ruin of this young man, and the unsaved fate of his brother, easily may be traceable to the "social glass" and the boon companions of the social glass tobacco and playing-cards. Last year I met a man who had prided himself in the fact that he could drink or let it alone, and thought that it was all right to take a "social glass" occasionally.

He also compared it with similar information noted on certain brown cards, about as wide and twice as long as ordinary playing-cards, a package of which he carried in his hand. The destinations of the several cars could also be learned from these cards, which are called "running slips."

Belden, a little later, hurried downstairs, with a confused idea of thanking her. On the threshold of the library he paused, amazed. Dr. Hitchcock sat before a small green baize table, studying five playing-cards held fan-shape in his left hand. Opposite him sat Miss Strong, holding the pack expectantly. "You can give me two, my dear, I think," he said as Belden entered.

You are wondering how you can find out whether he has contracted any more of his father's bad habits, and while searching his room, you come across a dirty pack of playing-cards hidden in the back part of one of the bureau drawers. Awful vision of the future of these two older children is yours as you ponder what you can do to subvert the growing evil in your home.

She was full of curiosity about the war and plied her son with questions. "We in Richmond know little that is definite of its progress," she said. "The Government announces victories and no defeats. But tell me, Robert, is it true, as I hear, that in the knapsacks of the slain Southern soldiers they find playing-cards, and in those of the North, Bibles?"

Their faces were all red and blotched with drink, and their heads covered with extravagant ringlets, which might never have seen a comb, while their dress was disordered to indecency, and the whole table was covered with a confusion of tankards and bottles and tobacco-pipes, not to mention playing-cards and dice. The huge man at their head bore a most terrifying aspect.

As some of them, however, yield proceeds more regular than the others, I have classed together the receipts of the Pope's Bulls, or "Bulas de Cruzada," playing-cards, tithes, stamps and gunpowder, under the head of Subaltern Branches, with regard to the rest, to the general statement already quoted.