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"But it looks like the kid ain't got no appetite to git well, for they misses him from the tent in the night and finds him rootin' in the grass, and likewise a drizzle fallin'. 'G'wan, he says, 'lemme go and die like I wanter. He said I was a liar and a fake and I was playin' sick. Lemme alone. "Two weeks," went on the cook, "he laid around, not noticin' nobody, and then "

Parker's tie fell off then, but neither he nor his sister noticed it. "Gamblers!" he snorted. "There ain't no gamblers there. Playin' a hand or two of Californy Jack just for fun ain't gamblin'. I wouldn't gamble, not for a million dollars." Captain Obed laughed. "Neither would I," he observed. "Nor for two cents, with that clubroom gang; 'twould be too much nerve strain collectin' my winnin's.

Some kind o' doin's was goin' on, fer the house was blazin' with light, an' music was playin'. "'What's on? says Price to the feller that let us in. "'Sir and Lady somebody 's dinin' here to-night, sir, says the man. "'Damn! says Price, 'I fergot all about the cussed thing. Have Mr.

This everlastin' cold don't make me over 'n' above good-tempered, and when I think of what you've done to that little girl, or what you tried to do, I have to hold myself down tight, TIGHT, and don't you forget it! Now, you keep quiet and listen. It'll be best for you, Heman. Your cards ain't under the table any longer. I've seen your hand, and I know why you've been playin' it.

I'm grantin' he's sincere that he's not playin' a part that his vicious instincts are smothered under a noble impulse to be what he ought to be. It's no trick. Buster Jack has all but done the impossible." "Then why isn't his sincerity and good work to be permanent?" asked Moore, impatiently, and his gesture was violent. "Wils, his change is not moral force. It's passion." The cowboy paled.

Ould Mother Sheehy sat down of a heap an' began playin' wid the cups. 'Thin you're a well-matched pair, she sez, very thick. 'For he's the biggest rogue that iver spoiled the queen's shoe-leather, an' "'I'm off, Judy, sez I. 'Ye should not talk nonsinse to your mother. Get her to bed, girl. "'Nonsinse! sez the ould woman, prickin' up her ears like a cat an' grippin' the table-edge.

Then I broke the news over the house telephone to Mrs. Markham. She waited ten minutes, and called me down. It come out just as I figured. She wanted me to 'tend door. I'd been playin' the genteel stupid, you know, so she trusted me. And I must say I'd rather she hated me, the way I'm out to do her.

Her expression changed and a pitying smile crossed her lips: "Poor Ramblin' Kid he just does not understand!" she murmured and stepped back into the house. As the Ramblin' Kid passed through the back-yard gate he muttered savagely under his breath: "Playin' with their hearts like marbles th' damned fools!"

She did so, saying: "He's sayin' the 'family' 's in some sort o' trouble, though I hadn't heard it. Though, 'course, they've been home only a few days an' whatever any the other hands what's been down to see him sence has told him he hain't told me. But I make out 't he thinks Looeegy's playin' up there on the terrace might do noh arm an'll likely cheer 'em up a mite.

"I 'lowed thet, ef I could see yore children playin' round this here yard, everything thet's ever gone wrong would be paid fer." Sally stood silently at his side, and her cheeks flushed as the tears crept into her eyes; but her hand stole through the thick mane of hair, fast turning from iron-gray to snow-white.