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It consists of a thin platinum wire through which the high-frequency currents surge and these heat it; the expansion and contraction of the wire moves a needle over a scale marked off into fractions of an ampere.

Electrical cautery is performed with an incandescent platinum wire in lieu of the knife, especially for such operations as the removal of the tongue or a tumour. It was known to the ancients that a fish called a torpedo existed in the Mediterranean which was capable of administering a shock to persons and benumbing them.

If it is desired to determine the percentage of silica separately, the ignited residue should be mixed in a platinum crucible with about six times its weight of anhydrous sodium carbonate, and the procedure given on page 151 should be followed.

We visited several crosscuts and drifts on this level and found several hundred men at work taking out platinum ore of a high grade, and my companion told me that they were doing the same work on several other thousand-foot levels, the ore improving in quality as they went down.

From this it is easy to deduce the temperature to which the platinum has been raised. This pyrometer is probably the most widely used at the present time. Tremeschini's pyrometer is based on a different principle, viz., on the expansion of a thin plate of platinum, which is heated by a mass of metal previously raised to the temperature of the medium.

Transfer the moist precipitate to a weighed porcelain or platinum crucible and ignite, using great care to raise the temperature slowly while drying the filter in the crucible, and to insure the ready access of oxygen during the combustion of the filter paper, thus guarding against a possible reduction of the phosphate, which would result in disastrous consequences both to the crucible, if of platinum, and the analysis.

Let us suppose that he succeeds in demonstrating that the intensity of gravity is less for radium than for the platinum or the copper of which the pendulums used to illustrate the law of Newton are generally made; it would then be possible still to think that the laws of universal attraction are perfectly exact as regards the stars, and that ponderability is really a particular case of universal attraction, while in the case of radioactive bodies part of the gravitational energy is transformed in the course of its evolution and appears in the form of active radiation.

Zinc, sulphate of copper, copper 0.02997 " Zinc, acidulated water, copper, sulphate of copper 0.03709 " Zinc, salt water, carbon peroxide of manganese 0.05282 " Zinc, salt water, platinum, chloride of platinum 0.05027 " Zinc, acidulated water, carbon nitric acid 0.06285 "

Clo took for herself the brown coat, which was shorter than the gray, and pulled the brown toque well over her red hair. By this time Beverley had stuffed a roll of greenbacks, a chain of platinum set with brilliants, half a dozen sparkling rings and bracelets, and a flexible diamond tiara, into a dark leather handbag.

He dived into conversation with me at once as to the splendid mineral resources of his Brazilian estate the silver, the platinum, the actual rubies, the possible diamonds. I listened and smiled; I knew what was coming. All he needed to develop this magnificent concession was a little more capital.