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He thought from the inconvenient situation of the fracture, that the chances of success were doubtful; and recommended that a plaster, composed of thick sheep-skin and pitch, cut to the shape of the parts, should be applied, extending from the upper part of the shoulder down upon the arm, and reaching to the knee; and that the whole should be enveloped in well-applied bandages, one of them being carried over the shoulders and brought round between the fore legs, to support the limb, and aid in retaining the fractured ends in apposition.

Or, to make perfectly sure of the result, the mantel itself could be removedthis is usually merely nailed to the plasterand enough of the chimney breast taken down to permit the introduction of a cast-iron throat damper. Just as a turkey dinner depends largely for its success upon thefixin’s,” so the fireplace is in itself incomplete without its andirons and tools.

"Pammy, dear, what have you been doing?" inquired Pam, gently. "Looking out the window and I ate some more plaster." Stolidly, with lack-lustre eyes, the culprit gazed at her benefactor. Pam sighed, but her mouth twitched. "I asked you not to." "I know. I didn't mean to, but it looked so good."

"Don't hold that confounded thing right under my nose; the mustard makes my eyes smart." "Don't see how it can, when it hasn't any more strength in it than meal. The Doctor said so, and I'm going to get some better," began Phebe, not a bit ashamed of the great tears that were bedewing the condemned plaster.

Ugly when they first were built, they were even uglier now, for the exterior was of some shallow plaster that chipped and cracked and stained and in nearly every dooryard dirt and disorder added a last touch to the unlovely whole. Children swarmed everywhere this afternoon; heavy, dirty-faced babies sat in the doorways, women talked and laughed over the low dividing fences.

For over a week a private car had stood on a siding at Little Rivers. Every morning a porter polished the brasswork of the platform in heraldry of the luxury within. Occasionally a young man with a plaster over a wound on his cheek would walk up and down the road-bed on the far side of the car. Indeed, he had worn a path there.

The vast heap of rubbish on the floor had been so materially increased by the bricks and plaster thrown down in his attack upon the wall of the Red Room, that it was with some difficulty he could find the blanket which was almost buried beneath the pile. He next searched for his stockings and shoes, and when found, put them on. While he was thus employed, his nerves underwent a severe shock.

The men rose from their pallets and set aside screens, and the news was spread when sentinels were changed. Marie called Zélie up to her ruined apartment, and standing amidst stone and plaster, was dressed in her most magnificent gown and jewels. She appeared on the stairs in the royal blackness of velvet whitened by laces and sparkling with points of tinted fire.

Her winds were once supposed to be very siccative, and peculiarly useful in drying the plaster in new houses; but now the contractors put in radiators as soon as the walls are up, and the work is done much better.

It was attached to a wire which was embedded in the plaster and this the colonel severed with a stroke of the knife. "This is the business end of a microphone," he said. "The voice!" gasped Pinto, and the colonel nodded. "Of course. I was mad not to guess that," he said. "That's how he heard and that's how he spoke. Now, we're going to get to the bottom of this."