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"The letters I shall no more ask for; and you will not escape death?" "Never by that way," rejoined I. "So. Very good. Au plaisir, my captain. I go to dine at the Seigneur Duvarney's." With that last thrust he was gone, and left me wondering if the Seigneur had ever made an effort to see me, if he had forgiven the duel with his son. That was the incident.

I suppose the ravishing is going to begin, for we have had the Dames des Halles, with a bouquet like a maypole, and a speech full of honey and oil, which cost me ten francs; also a small worshipper, who would not leave his name, but came seulement pour avoir le plaisir, la félicité etc. etc.

Oh, I will make myself absolutely necessary to the king; I will flatter, I will praise, I will find out and fulfil his most secret, his unspoken wishes. I will force him to give me his confidence to make me his maitre de plaisir. Yes, yes, the house in Jager Street shall be mine! I have sworn it, and Fredersdorf has promised me his influence.

I rejoiced in the picture with exceeding joy as long as the guide would let me; but in all these places you have to cut short your raptures at the proper season, or else what becomes of your supper? I went back to the cottage. A rosy-cheeked girl had held our mules, and set a chair for us to get off, and now brings them up with "Au plaisir, messieurs" to the bearers of our purse.

"What a strange side for a great man to have!" I said. "Sentimental poetry it seems so childish, does it not?" "We all have our weaknesses, I suppose," and she smiled. "We should be very dull if we left nothing for our friends to criticise." "Si nous n'avions point de défauts nous ne prendrions pas tant de plaisir

On a well paved boulevard we entered the great "Highway through the Nations." Formerly a promenade belonging to the South Park System and connecting Jackson Park on the east and Washington Park on the west, it was styled by the seekers of plaisir "Midway Plaisance" signifying "Pleasure-Way."

I can testify that he was silent perhaps because Gladys did all the talking and he looked unusually strong. They sat together most of the evening, and she only left his side to go to the piano to sing one of her 'stock' French chansons. Even then she directed it entirely at William. 'Mamman, dîtes-moi, ce qu'on sent quand on aime Est-ce plaisir, est-ce tourment?

"I ave moche plaisir to meet Monsieur le Capitaine Dupin in dis hospitable maison," said the French lieutenant; "if ve evare encounter vis one anodare on de sea, den ve fight like des braves hommes n'est-ce pas, Monsieur le Capitaine?" "I could not desire a greater honour," answered the Jersey man. "Nor, by my faith, could I," exclaimed the first lieutenant of the Orestes.

"Nous avons a plaisir complique le bonheur, Et par un ideal frivole et suborneur Attache nos coeurs a la terre; Dupes des faux dehors tenus pour l'important, Mille choses pour nous ont du prix ... et pourtant Une seule etait necessaire.

«§ 646. C. En montant le long du bord, du côté de Chamouni, j'eus un plaisir inexprimable