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It is not one of the most pleasing, but it is one of the most remarkable and in a historical point of view most instructive, facts in this brilliant era of Roman conservatism, that during its course Hellenism struck root in the whole field of intellect not immediately political, and that the -maitre de plaisir- of the great public and the schoolmaster in close alliance created a Roman literature.

J'en avais autrefois un qu'on trouvait tres jolie, mais, depuis quelques mois, ma main est devenue si tremblante que j'ai renonce a ecrire moi-meme. Je ne veux cependant pas tarder davantage a vous dire avec quel plaisir j'ai lu l'article de Mr.

Second syllable. The lamps are lighted up all of a sudden. The music plays the old air from John of Paris, Ah quel plaisir d'etre en voyage. It is the same scene. Between the first and second floors of the house represented, you behold a sign on which the Steyne arms are painted. All the bells are ringing all over the house.

"MONSIEUR, Je viens de lire avec le plus grand plaisir votre livre 'French and English. Il est si rare qu'un ecrivain anglais ose ou veuille, aller contre les prejuges de ses lecteurs anglais, et nous fasse justice, que j'en ai eprouve un vrai sentiment de reconnaissance.

"Magnanimity and Prudence are cousins who, praise le bon Dieu! never speak to each other, and the world is very much better for it." He pointed to the motto on the panel. "I may never come back, madame," said he, "but at least I shall never forget." "Au plaisir de vous revoir, Monsieur Soi-disant," she said in conclusion, and went into her room and closed the door.

"The letters I shall no more ask for; and you will not escape death?" "Never by that way," rejoined I. "So. Very good. Au plaisir, my captain. I go to dine at the Seigneur Duvarney's." With that last thrust he was gone, and left me wondering if the Seigneur had ever made an effort to see me, if he had forgiven the duel with his son. That was the incident.

"That would be preaching to deaf ears," said the prince, shrugging his shoulders. "We will not quarrel about the meaning of a word. I only wish to make you understand that I would not marry at my brother's bon plaisir. I will not continue this race of miserable princes, that are entirely useless, and consequently a burden to the state.

We are as the unhappy Indians to the rapacity of Europe. No wonder, if mulattoes and blacks speak of the colony as if it were the old Hayti." "They do, from Lanville, the coffee-planter, to our Mars Plaisir. Mars Plaisir has brought orders for I do not know how many parrots; and for pearls, and perfumes, and spices, and variegated woods." "Is it possible?" said Toussaint, smiling.

Duncan, in turning his eyes from the malign expression of Magua, suffered them to rest with pleasure on the smiling and polished features, and the noble military air, of the French general. "Monsieur," said the latter, "j'ai beaucoup de plaisir

But Lorimer had rather a bad night, he tossed and tumbled a good deal, and had dreams, unusual visitors with him, and once or twice he muttered in his sleep, "No doubt about it not the least in the world and if there were " But the conclusion of this sentence was inaudible. "Tu vas faire un beau reve, Et t'enivrer d'un plaisir dangereux.