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Five pints! why that is two quarts and a half; that is too much to drink if it was water; and if any thing else, it is beastly drunkenness. Have nothing to do with them." "Oh! no, Sir, it is five points of law." "Tut tut tut! what have you got to do with law, my dear?" "By gosh, Aunty," said Mr.

Gillett had given us a bottle of 'Romanshorn' from the Swiss farm, an admirable preparation which also yields fresh butter. The price is high, 1s. 6d. a bottle, or, for the case of forty-eight imperial pints, 72s.; this, however, is the Coast, not the cost figure.

For this purpose, the best means of destroying any eggs or embryos it may contain is to water the ground with a solution of sulphuric acid, in the proportion of a pennyweight to three pints of water, and also birds that die of the disease should be deeply buried in lime.

Smiley was a good deal surprised, and he was disgusted too, but he didn't have no idea what the matter was of course. "The Teller took the money and started away; and when he was going out at the door, he sorter jerked his thumb over his shoulder so at Dan'l, and says again, very deliberate, 'Well, he says, 'I don't see no pints about that frog that's any better'n any other frog.

The woman should drink plenty of water at least three pints a day; this acts as a laxative as well as to flush out the kidneys.

Violet I dream of thee. Willow Forsaken never more. Wheat Prosperity I wish thee. Yew Penitence. I am sorry. FRENCH POLISH FOR BOOTS, &c. Logwood chips, half a pound; glue, quarter of an ounce; soft soap, quarter of an ounce; isinglass, quarter of an ounce; boil these ingredients in two pints of vinegar and one of water, during ten minutes after ebulition, then strain the liquid.

Sam gave way at last, as arter all he could see it was the safest thing to do, but he 'ad so much to say about it that they got fair sick of the sound of 'is voice. They 'ad to go 'ome for 'im to put the belt on; and then at seven o'clock in the evening, arter Sam had 'ad two or three pints, they had to go 'ome agin, 'cos he was complaining of tight-lacing.

Evidence in favour of the long-stroke engine is afforded in this type as regards economy of working; under full load, working at 2,000 revolutions per minute, the consumption was 0.55 pints of fuel per brake horse-power per hour, which seems to indicate that the long stroke permitted of full use being made of the power resulting from each explosion, in spite of the high rate of speed of the piston.

If you wish a different flavour from that of oil of peppermint use any other oil of which you desire the flavour. Take of pure spirits 28 galls., of pure St. Take of fresh lemon juice 4 oz., fresh lemon peel 1/2 oz., white sugar 4 oz., boiling water 3 pints; mix all together; let them stand till cool, and then strain off for use; if you wish you can cool at once with ice.

Garnish your dish with lemon and pickles. A Herico of a BREAST of VEAL, French Way. Take a breast of veal, half roast it, then put it into a stew-pan, with three pints of brown gravy; season your veal with nutmeg, pepper and salt; when your veal is stew'd enough, you may put in a pint of green peas boil'd.