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When eggs are 30 cents a dozen they compare favorably with a round of beef at 20 cents a pound. Such common dishes as ham and eggs, bacon or salt pork and eggs, and omelette with minced ham or other meat are familiar to all cooks. The beef is roasted as usual and the pudding made as follows: 3 eggs. 1 pint milk. 1 cupful flour. 1 teaspoonful salt.

"Does Elise want to marry you?" asked Billie. "Oh, that's the very pint!" said the seaman with decision. "If I could only make sure o' that pint, I'd maybe manage to come up to the scratch. Now, that's what I wants you to find out for me, Little Bill, an' I know you're a good little shaver, as'll do a friend a good turn when you can. But you must on no account mention "

Freeze as you would ordinary sherbet. Serve in tiny glasses, with boiled cod or halibut. This will fill eight small stem glasses. 1/2 pint of gooseberry jam 4 tablespoonfuls of sugar 1 pint of water Juice of one lemon Mix all the ingredients together and freeze, turning slowly all the while. Serve in small glasses. This is usually served at Christmas dinner with goose.

"None at all, merely let me know when he is ready to see me. I am tired and cold, and can wait patiently by this good fire." "It may be some time, miss; would you like a cup of hot coffee, you and this gentleman? The doctor has just had his supper, and there is a pint or more left in the urn." "Thanks nothing could be more welcome," and the house-maid disappeared.

One pint of milk; half a cup of sugar; yolks of three eggs; two tablespoonfuls of corn-starch and one of flour mixed; half a teaspoonful of vanilla, and two inches of stick-cinnamon; a teaspoonful of butter. Boil the cinnamon in the milk. Stir the corn-starch and flour smooth in a little cold milk or water, and add to the milk. Beat the yolks light with the sugar, and add.

Soon after other natives came to us; and by noon there were thirty about us, from whom we obtained a small supply; but I could only afford one ounce of pork and a quarter of a breadfruit to each man for dinner, with half a pint of water, for I was fixed in my resolution not to use any of the bread or water in the boat.

At night I served a quarter of a pint of water and half an ounce of bread for supper. Saturday 9. In the morning a quarter of a pint of coconut milk and some of the decayed bread was served for breakfast, and for dinner I divided the meat of four coconuts with the remainder of the rotten bread, which was only eatable by such distressed people.

As Arabella leant forward to see the show approach, something hard, and it would seem of metal, that she carried beneath her mantle, struck against the arm of my Lady Lisle, who, being a woman of somewhat quick temper, cried out, "Methinks that you carry a pocket-flask with you, Mistress Greenville, instead of a vial of essences. That which you have must hold a pint at least."

Heat about a pint of the dice in half a pint of cream. Season to taste with cayenne pepper and salt. Fill the shells and serve. Cold, cooked fish of any kind may be made into patties in this way. Use any fish sauce you choose all are equally good.

Thicken with two heaping tablespoonfuls of flour, and one of butter rubbed to a cream, with hot soup added till it pours easily. Boil a pint of milk separately, and, when ready to use, pour into the boiling tomato, and serve at once, as standing long makes the milk liable to curdle. Two quarts of perfectly fresh oysters.