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Along this wretched street, with scarcely an apology for a sidewalk, moved Pinky and the queen, until they reached a small two-story frame house that presented a different aspect from the wretched tenements amid which it stood. It was clean upon the outside, and had, as contrasted with its neighbors, an air of superiority. This was the queen's residence.

The golden marsh marigolds glittered around her, the beautiful bog bean hung its pinky white fringe over the brown peat pools, the silky plumes of the cotton grass nodded at her as she passed, and the wind whispered in the rushes the secrets of the sea. Morva listened with a smile, a brown finger up-raised.

"Yes, that is my name," replied the girl; "isn't this street?" "Yes; and there, is the number you are looking for." "Oh, thank you! I'm so glad to find the place. I was beginning to feel scared." "I will ring the bell for you," said Pinky, going to the door of No. 631. A servant answered the summons. "Is Mrs. Bray at home?" inquired Pinky. "I don't know," replied the servant, looking annoyed.

Make little coffee," said Milt. He did not desire coffee, and he did not desire to stop, but he did desperately desire not to inflict Pinky Parrott upon the Boltwoods. It was in his creed as a lover of motors never to refuse a ride to any one, when he had room. He hoped to get around his creed by the hint implied in stopping.

This gambler Pinky Parrott, he comes along with his elegant ways, and he hands me out a swell line of gab, and I ups and leaves poor Kloh, and the kid, and the nicest kid Say, please, could you folks take me wherever you're going? Maybe I could get a job again used to was a good waitress, and I ain't going to wait here any longer for that lying, cheating, mean-talking " "Oh, Mrs.

But where were the currant-bushes? Ah! there they were, a row of stout green bushes, forming a hedge at the bottom of the garden. Hilda fell busily to work, filling her basket with the fine, ruddy clusters. "How beautiful they are!" she thought, holding up a bunch so that the sunlight shone through it. "And these pale, pinky golden ones, which show all the delicate veins inside.

Hosea Brewster announced, after supper, that he and Fred were going to have a session with the furnace; she needed going over in September before they began firing up for the winter. "I'll go down with you," said Pinky. "No, you stay up here with mother. You'll get all ashes and coal dust." But Pinky was firm. "Mother's half dead. She's going straight up to bed, after that darned old attic.

Nor was the hope thus aroused fallacious; for from this moment the sky began to clear, until within a couple of hours the storm-clouds had all swept away to leeward, leaving the sky a clear, pure blue, streaked here and there, it is true, with a tattered, trailing streamer of pinky grey, that, however, soon vanished; and once more we revelled in the glorious warmth and radiance of the unclouded sunlight, while the wind dropped so rapidly that, but for the sea, which still ran with dangerous weight, we might have made sail again by sunset.

Some are pale blue and pinky yellow, like the Kasbah of Tangier, or cream and blue like Salé, but Tangier and Salé, for centuries continuously subject to European influences, have probably borrowed their colors from Genoa and the Italian Riviera.

The wolf was just going to toss the bonnet, all covered with almost real flowers as it was, away up in a tree and just about to carry the pig lady and Pinky down into his den, when, all at once, there was a buzzing sound in the air and a voice cried: "Ah, ha! Here are some flowers. Now we can get some honey!" "Indeed we can," said another voice up in the air.