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And if it comes to pass that either of us be run over in any of those busy crossings which divide the streets of life, the other will convey him to the hospital in Hope, and sit beside his bed in Bounty! 'Well, well, well! he added in a happier tone, as he shook Mr Pinch's elbow hard. 'No more of this!

He looked at the dingy lettering on the back, and finding it to be an odd volume of the 'Bachelor of Salamanca, in the French tongue, cursed Tom Pinch's folly twenty times.

'How are we to-day, said Mr Pecksniff, jocosely, 'and what are our plans? Are we ready to go and see Tom Pinch's sister? Ha, ha, ha! Poor Thomas Pinch! 'Are we ready, returned Mrs Todgers, nodding her head with mysterious intelligence, 'to send a favourable reply to Mr Jinkins's round-robin? That's the first question, Mr Pecksniff.

He begged him to compose himself, and asked upon what subject Mr Pinch's treachery had been developed. 'That is almost the worst of all, sir, Mr Pecksniff answered, 'on a subject nearly concerning YOU. Oh! is it not enough, said Mr Pecksniff, looking upward, 'that these blows must fall on me, but must they also hit my friends! 'You alarm me, cried the old man, changing colour.

There was likewise present that eldest pupil of Miss Pinch, whom Mrs Todgers, on a previous occasion, had called a syrup, and who was now weeping and sobbing spitefully. 'My brother, sir, said Ruth Pinch, timidly presenting Tom. 'Oh! cried the gentleman, surveying Tom attentively. 'You really are Miss Pinch's brother, I presume? You will excuse my asking. I don't observe any resemblance.

The old man looked about him, with a smile, until his eyes rested on Tom Pinch's sister; when he smiled the more. 'We will all dine here together, he said; 'and as you and Mary have enough to talk of, Martin, you shall keep house for us until the afternoon, with Mr and Mrs Tapley. I must see your lodgings in the meanwhile, Tom. Tom was quite delighted. So was Ruth. She would go with them.

This additional pungency on the part of the fair young creature led, on ordinary occasions, to such slight consequences as the copious dilution of Mr Pinch's tea, or to his coming off uncommonly short in respect of butter, or to other the like results.

I was thinking, but a minute ago, that I could wish him to be like you. 'I am very glad to hear it, returned Martin, shaking hands with him again; 'for I assure you, I was thinking there could be no such luck as Mr Pinch's turning out like you. 'No, really! said Tom, with great pleasure. 'Are you serious? 'Upon my word I am, replied his new acquaintance.

The old man received Mary no less tenderly than he had received Tom Pinch's sister. A look of friendly recognition passed between himself and Mrs Lupin, which implied the existence of a perfect understanding between them. It engendered no astonishment in Mr Tapley; for, as he afterwards observed, he had retired from the business, and sold off the stock.

'Mr Pinch's being so well provided for is owing to you alone, and we can only say how glad we are to hear that he is as grateful as he ought to be. 'Oh very well, Miss Pinch! thought the pupil again. 'Got a grateful brother, living on other people's kindness!