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He raised his free arm, and pointed imperiously to the trail. "Pikeway!" he commanded. Viney and Lucy shrank from the tone of him, and, hiding their faces in a fold of blanket, slunk silently away like dogs that have been whipped and told to go. Even Hagar drew back a pace, hardy as was her untamed spirit.

Peppajee eyed him comprehendingly, but there was no yielding in his brown, wrinkled face. "Yo' Rachel's frien', yo' pikeway," he insisted doggedly. From under the wall of the wikiup close to Good Indian on the side farthest from Peppajee, a small, leafless branch of sage was thrust out, and waggled cautiously, scraping gently his hand.

"Now, pikeway," he smiled. "And don't run bareheaded through the bushes again. You've still got time to beat that train. And about Saunders don't worry. I can get to the ranch without being seen, and no one will know I was up here, unless you tell them." "Oh, I shall of course!" Miss Georgie chose to be very sarcastic. "I think I shall wire the information to the sheriff.

He read it twice before he looked up. "What time you ketchum this?" he asked, tapping the message with his finger. "Mebbyso one hour." The buck pulled a brass watch ostentatiously from under his blanket, held it to his ear a moment, as if he needed auricular assurance that it was running properly, and pointed to the hour of three. "Ketchum one dolla, mebbyso pikeway quick.

Peppajee looked meaningly at his bandages. "No can watchum." "Well, but you could tell somebody else to watch him. I think he do bad thing to the Harts. You like Harts. You tell somebody to watch Saunders." "Indians pikeway ketchum fish. Come back, mebbyso tellum watchum."

Snake come, bitum foot no can watchum mo'. Dat time, much mens come. Yo' sabe. Baumberga all time talkum, him heap frien' Peacefu' heap snake all time. Speakum two tongue Yo' no b'lievum. All time heap big liar, him. Yo' go, speakum Squaw-talk-far-off. Bueno, dat squaw. Heap smart, all same mans. Yo' go. Pikeway." He settled back with a gesture of finality, and so Good Indian left him.

"Well, say, you sneak up and hide somewhere till yuh see if Vadnie's anywhere around. If they get settled down talking to mum, they're good for an hour she's churning, Don you hide in the rocks by the milk-house till they get settled. And I'll see if Git! Pikeway, while they're behind the stacks!"

This time I no throw you in pond. You heap take care next time, mebbyso. You no tellum big lie, me all time heap drunk. You kay bueno. All time me tellum Mother Hart, tellum boys, tellum Viney, Lucy, tellum Charlie and Tom and Sleeping Turtle you heap big liar. Me tell Wally shont-isham. Him all time my friend mebbyso him no likum you no more. "Huh. Get out pikeway before I forget you're a lady!"

Bimeby, mebbyso my flour all gone, my meat mebbyso gone, mebbyso tea them folks all time eatum grub, me no ketchum. Me no playum cards, all same otha fella ketchum my grub. Kay bueno. Better me playum cards mebbyso all time. "Bimeby no ketchum mo' grub, no stopum my wikiup. Them folks pikeway. Me tellum 'Yo' heap lazy, heap kay bueno.