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The most recent member of this group is the X-ray carcinoma, which is met with in those who are constantly exposed to the irritation of the X-rays; there is first a chronic dermatitis with warty overgrowth of the surface epithelium, pigmentation, and the formation of fissures and warts.

Addison promptly put down these constitutional effects of loss of the adrenal bodies to loss of something produced by them of constitutional importance. He was particularly struck by the change in the pigmentation of the skin, so much so that his own designation for the affection was "bronzed skin." Since then, however, the condition has been universally styled Addison's Disease.

Anosmia has been noticed in leukoderma and allied disturbances of pigmentation. Ogle mentions a negro boy in Kentucky whose sense of smell decreased as the leukoderma extended. Influenza, causing adhesions of the posterior pillars of the fauces, has given rise to anosmia. Occasionally overstimulation of the olfactory system may lead to anosmia.

Soon afterward the same appearances occurred on both shoulders, and, in the same order, spread gradually down the outer sides of the arms first black specks, then papules, and lastly pigmentation. The black specks soon began to project, and comedo-like plugs and small, spine-like growths were produced. Both the spines and plugs were very hard and firmly-rooted.

The temperature rises; the weight increases, even apart from the growth of the foetus. The efflorescence of pregnancy shows itself, as in the blossoming and fecundated flower, by increased pigmentation.

The linea fusca, which reaches from the pubes to the navel and occasionally to the ensiform cartilage, is a line of sexual pigmentation sometimes regarded as characteristic of pregnancy, but as Andersen, of Copenhagen, has found by the examination of several hundred children of both sexes, it exists in a slight form in about 75 per cent. of young girls, and in almost as large a proportion of boys.

I believe it all to be a colossal plant. Some practical joker has introduced a chemical into the water supply." "Probably," I murmured, still thinking of Sarakoff's observation. "I'm going to expose the whole thing in the evening papers; I examined a case yesterday a man called Wain and was convinced there was nothing wrong with him. He was really pigmented. And what is it but mere pigmentation?"

A blank cartridge fired at close range may cause a severe wound, and, if charged with black powder, may leave a permanent bluish-black pigmentation of the skin. The lesions of individual tissues bones, nerves, blood vessels are considered with these.

In support of this view he calls attention to the pigmentation of the skin which occurs during pregnancy and chlorosis, showing that the absence of the catamenia results in the retention in the blood of some substance which would normally be excreted at this time.

Anthony looked at his companion. Richard Caramel's nose and brow were slowly approaching a like pigmentation; the red was leaving the one, the blue deserting the other. Glancing in a mirror, Anthony was glad to find that his own skin had not discolored. On the contrary, a faint glow had kindled in his cheeks he fancied that he had never looked so well.