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It was a regular American ferry-boat, of the same build fore and aft, capable of going alike backwards or forwards, and with a long bridge at each end, ready to be let down at the piers on either side of the bay, so as to enable carts or carriages to be driven directly on to the main deck, which was just like a large covered yard, standing level with the wharf.

Cute little things, them spools are, too; about six feet high, three wide, and weighin' a ton or so each, I should judge. And to make the job of movin' 'em all the merrier an old cement mixer has been at work right next to 'em and the surplus concrete has been thrown out until they've been bedded in as solid as so many bridge piers. I climbs around and takes a look.

Presently glorious sunlight enveloped them, flashed from a thousand windows on San Francisco hills, and struck to dazzling whiteness the breasts of the gulls that circled Sausalito's piers. Everything sparkled and shone: the running blue water that slapped the Crow's side, the roofs of houses on the hillside, the green trees that nearly concealed them.

There are some stains that never come out though one would give all one had to be rid of them." "Let me go!" said Piers. He was breathing quickly; his eyes gazed fiercely into the elder man's face. He made no violent movement, but his whole body was tensely strung to resist. Crowther's hands tightened upon him. "Not to-night!" he said. "Yes, now!"

Hannaford had made a special toilet; so rarely did a new acquaintance enter the house that she was a little fluttered in receiving Daniel Otway, whose manners evidently impressed and pleased her. Had he known his brother well, Piers would have understood that this exhibition of fine courtesy meant a peculiar interest on Daniel's part.

If Irene sometimes made a mistake, no one could have perceived it more quickly, and more charmingly have redeemed the slip. When Piers Otway got back to Ewell, about four o'clock, he felt the beginning of a headache.

"What for?" he asked. "What do people generally go for?" Piers prepared to move on as he uttered the question. But Crowther deliberately blocked his way. "No, Piers," he said quietly. "You're not going to-night." The blood rose in a great wave to Piers' forehead. His eyes shone suddenly red. "Do you think you're going to stop me?" he said. "For to-night, sonny yes."

The three lower stories consist of a series of semicircular arched openings, eighty in number, separated by piers with attached columns in front of them, the Doric order being used in the lowest story, the Ionic in the second, and the Corinthian in the third; the piers and columns are elevated on stylobates; the entablatures have a comparatively slight projection, and there are no projecting keystones in the arches.

The shallow and handsome craft, flying its gay flags, crossed and recrossed the river, calling at three piers in the space of a few minutes; but all the piers were like Chelsea Pier; all the pier-keepers had the air of castaways upon shaking islets.

Add that tidy penny to the £100 profit on the pier contract and it seems to me that it would pay you to lose a couple of pounds and I don't admit that you will lose a penny over the statue business." The mention of the statue brought Doyle back from a pleasant dream to the region of hard fact. "What's the good of talking?" he said. "The Government will build no more piers here."