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She was first transfixed with surprise, and then electrified with delight. "Had I done these pictures? Did I know French and German? What a love what a miracle I was! I drew better than her master in the first school in S-. Would I sketch a portrait of her, to show to papa?"

The pictures are contained in three contiguous rooms of the lower piano, and are few in number, comprising barely half a dozen which I should care to see again, though doubtless all have value in their way.

Ruskin. We remember that he was a famous English writer who had a very high regard for painting, and who wrote about pictures until he made the world believe many of the sensible things he said. Naturally, the writer who had such an appreciation for pictures would be particular in description. In other words, we should expect him to paint for us beautiful word pictures.

I have never been able to draw pictures of guilt, as if that could awaken Christian sympathy. The evil is there. But all around in this fair creation are scenes of beauty, and to turn from these to ponder on deeds of sin can not promote a healthy state of the faculties.

Tom have another cigarette, while he was busy drawing imaginative pictures, and convincing himself more and more that Madge was no other than Nan, and that life had begun again for him, with all sorts of beautiful possibilities in it.

There should be in most pictures an opportunity of saying that which shall be interpreted by each one according to his temperament, a little place where each may delight in setting free his own imagination. To account for the popularity of many pictures in both color and black and white on any other ground than that of mystery seems ofttimes impossible.

It is impossible to hold out any longer. Losses can no longer be reckoned accurately. Without a doubt many of our people are killed." That is only one out of thousands of such gruesome pictures, true as the death they described, true to the pictures on our side of the line as on their side, which went back to German homes during the battles of the Somme.

So he did not warn his fellow coasters. The result was that two of those on the rear fell off, but as they landed in soft snow they were not hurt. "All the better!" cried Russ, who was making the pictures. "That will add to it. Keep going, Mr. Sneed!" "If I go much farther I'll fall off!" cried the grouchy actor. "I can't hold on much longer!" "You've got to!" ordered Mr. Pertell.

He described himself as an artist in the Post Office Directory, and between 1868 and 1876 exhibited at the Royal Academy about a dozen pictures, of which the most important was "Mr. Heatherley's Holiday," hung on the line in 1874.

They will not buy pictures, because pictures are not useful, and because they cost money; so that many a rich man's parlor is as bare of ornament as a tomb would be. They will not attend a lecture, because, though it might furnish them with mental food for a month, it would not bring their shillings back to them. They will not attend a concert, because a concert is not useful.