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These instances are all different, but they suggest the same abstract vision, that of an effect which grows by arithmetical progression, so that the cause, insignificant at the outset, culminates by a necessary evolution in a result as important as it is unexpected. Now let us open a children's picture-book; we shall find this arrangement already on the high road to becoming comic.

When they had passed half-way across the garden Mäzli suddenly stood still. "Oh, I forgot something," she said. "I have to go back again. Please wait for me, I won't be long." Mäzli disappeared but came back very shortly with a large picture-book under each arm.

"You have caught the step directly." "It is because you are a good teacher," she replied. "Now it is my turn to teach you something." She took a beautiful picture-book, and showed him fine buildings, fishes, statesmen, parrots, scholars, curious animals, and flowers, all of which greatly amused Charming. "See," said Pazza, "here is the explanation of all the pictures; read it."

"Good evening," she added impatiently, for the old gentleman would have kept her indefinitely, talking about David. But as she climbed the hill her mind went out to the child with the relief of one who in darkness opens a door towards the light. She found him in the parlor, curled up in a big chair by the window, looking at a picture-book.

The house was exactly the size of Maimie and perfectly lovely. One of her arms was extended and this had bothered them for a second, but they built a verandah round it, leading to the front door. The windows were the size of a coloured picture-book and the door rather smaller, but it would be easy for her to get out by taking off the roof.

"I'm sorry Baby's so troublesome," apologized the distressed Milly, for the third time lifting Tony up and replacing him in a sitting posture, with his picture-book. "I'm trying to teach him to sit quiet, but I'm afraid he's been played with a great deal more than he should have been." "To tell the truth, I thought so the last time I was here," replied Aunt Beatrice.

That a stomach, disordered by decayed elephant flesh, a lion roaring in the jungle, a picture-book, and sleep could have so truly portrayed all the clear-cut details of what he had seemingly experienced was quite beyond his knowledge; yet he knew that Numa could not climb a tree, he knew that there existed in the jungle no such bird as he had seen, and he knew, too, that he could not have fallen a tiny fraction of the distance he had hurtled downward, and lived.

Madame La Blanche read a chapter to him from her pocket-Bible, and with a few words of advice and comfort to the woman, and a picture-book for the children, she went from the unwholesome room up a crazy staircase to one a shade better, because kept with some degree of cleanliness.

Had they lived in a village street, or even a lane, Abel and his charge might have taken to other amusements, to games, to grubbing in hedges, or amid the endless treasures of ditches. But as it was, they lay hour after hour and looked at the sky, as at an open picture-book with ever-changing leaves. "Look 'ee here!" the nurse-boy would cry. "See to the crows, the pretty black crows!

"When you gave it me, I stuck it in my coat-pocket, next my little girl's picture-book: and when I took it out again, t'other little book came with it, and I couldn't for the life of me do it any harm. So I put 'em both back again side by side; and the next time as we camped in a quiet place, I took the Testament out and began to read a bit out loud.