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You may now inquire, How critical is this "color test"? To answer this I fear I shall trench upon forbidden grounds, but I call to my help the words of one of our best American physicists, and I quote from a letter in which he says by combined calculation and experiment I have found the limiting error for white light to be 1/50000000 of an inch, and for Na or sodium light about fifty times greater, or less than 1/800000 of an inch.

But not long after the middle of the century, when a new science of dynamics was claiming paramount importance, and physicists were striving to express all tangible phenomena intenus of matter in motion, the theory of Le Sage was revived and given a large measure of attention.

Professor Farmer, the botanist, investigates cancer, and the ordinary educated man, familiar though he is with their general results, would find it hard to say which were the chemists and which the physicists among Professors Dewar and Ramsey Lord Rayleigh and Curie. The classification of sciences that was such a solemn business to our grandfathers is now merely a mental obstruction.

Diderot did indeed perceive even so early as this that the controversy was passing from the metaphysicians to the physicists. Though he for the moment misinterpreted the ultimate direction of the effect of experimental discovery, he discerned its potency in the field of theological discussion.

They slid about on each other as freely as the atoms of water, but they still held on. It is easier to conceive of these atoms sliding about, making the wire thinner and longer, when we consider that it is the opinion of our best physicists that molecules made of atoms are never still. Masses of matter may be still, but not the constituent elements.

This fact is expressed by saying that the ten J's form a 'tensor. It is not going too far to say that the announcement that physicists would have in future to study the theory of tensors created a veritable panic among them when the verification of Einstein's predictions was first announced.

At the same time he was teaching that the forms in matter by which he meant the combinations of energies which distinguish the various kinds of matter are not destroyed. In other words, he was anticipating not vaguely, but very clearly and definitely, the conservation of energy. His teaching with regard to the composition of matter was very like that now held by physicists.

In his theory of the ultimate constitution of the atom he is in striking agreement with the views of the ablest living physicists. The essential function of science to reduce apparently disparate phenomena to the expressions of a single law is not with him the object of a moment's doubt or uncertainty.

That gigantic flare was the most brilliant sight in the whole night sky, an awful and abysmally prophetic flame that made city streets black with staring people, a radiance whose grandeur and terrific implication of cosmic power brought beauty and the fear of doom into the heavens! Those paths could not be explained by all the physicists and all the astronomers in the Five World Federation.

Fowler took issue with me here: "It is absurd to say that no one but these physicists has ever properly studied spiritualistic phenomena; spiritists themselves have put the screws on quite as effectively as ever Crookes or Richet has done. Some of the best investigators ever known have been spiritists."